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It has been 5 years since that day. Jimin was discharged after a week and everything went back to normal. We dated for another 3 years before getting married. I stand outside on the balcony,taking a sip from my hot chocolate while rubbing my 5 month old baby in my stomach.

I sighed realising how fast things have went. I it's like just yesterday I ran away and today,I'm pregnant. It's weird.

After that incident,I never saw dad. I forgave him. I heard that he's now in some hilly area or something. Also,now I have all his property on my name but I don't use it. I just sometimes manage all that stuff.

I'm actually a fashion designer. I've always loved it and it was my passion. About Jimin,he's now in a K-pop band. It has been 4-5 years since the debut and they are getting bigger and bigger.

A year ago,we announced our marriage to the world and everyone was happy. Of course there were some negatives but it's okay. I'm also famous in the fashion designing world so people already shipped us a lot as Jimin sometimes wore clothes by me.

I was staring at the beautiful view from my window when I heard Jimin call me.


"I'm here" I shouted back as some footsteps approached me. "Look what I got!" He chimed as I chuckled and turned back. He was holding 2 big bags full of baby stuff. My jaw fell on the floor. "Wha- what are we gonna do with all this for now?" I asked him surprised as he looked up with puppy eyes. "I just couldn't control myself when I saw all this...it's just too cute and I lost control. I'm sorry I'll return it"

He looked hurt so I agreed on keeping all that stuff. He shouted "really?" I smiled and nodded as he attacked me with a hug. "I love you"

"I love you too"

"Now,come. Let's plan out the baby's room. We need to hurry a bit as the furniture truck might be on the way" he said nervously and ran but before he could,I grabbed his shirt and said "WHAT" did he just order a whole ass room design for a baby that will take 4 months to come out? Yeah safe to say he's too excited.

"Hahaha...this reminded me of when Minji was about to be born...his father was so excited" Mrs. Park said wiping off some tears. I hugged her and consoled her. We all like together in an apartment in Gangam. Both of us are happy with everything and everyone. Life couldn't get better. After all,life goes on.

~The End~

If I would say that I won't miss writing this book,I WOULD BE LYING STRAIGHT OUTTA MY TEETH. ಥ‿ಥ

I started this in like August and now it's December ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)

I have a few books planned out so...see ya there ;)

Coincidental Soulmate {Jimin ff} (Completed) ✔Where stories live. Discover now