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We got a cab and went to Jimin's apartment. It was small but I love it. We decided that Jimin will sleep in the living room,on a mattress and I will sleep on the bed. No matter how much I resisted,he didn't let me sleep in the living room.

Finally after arguing for 25 minutes,I agreed to sleep in his room.

I opened my luggage and started unpacking my stuff when I heard a knock on the door. "come in" I lightly said.

The door opened revealing Jimin. "Heyy..." He said as I replied with the same.

"So...we cannot show your face on TV but I need some pics of your injuries he caused...just for the police investigation only if you're comfortable-" he thought I would get mad at him so he tried to explain. He looked so cute. I chuckled and cut him off.

"It's ok,I know it's important."

He smiled back at me. He got his phone and clicked a few pics.

 He got his phone and clicked a few pics

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Time skip~~
I woke up on Jimin's bed. His smell was everywhere and I was kinda liking it. It was like a mango papaya fragrance. My favourite.

I got up and went outside to see Jimin talking to someone on his phone. I waved to him and mouthed good morning. He also did the same.

I went to the kitchen to prepare something. I saw only few supplies so I decided to make pancakes.

After 10 minutes,2 pancakes were done. Now I don't know if they are overcooked or undercooked. I never made anything.

I picked up the plate and took it outside. Jimin noticed the pancakes and said "why did you make the breakfast...you are my guest." I just told him it's ok and we started eating.

"What about that case..." I asked him about Jungkook. He looked up and said "today he has to be present at the court...I have managed a way for us to see everything that happens. I nodded and we continued eating.

Time skip to the court hearing

"Today,we are present here for the analysis of the accusations put on Mr. Jeon Jungkook. He was accused of not only flirting,but sexually harassing one of his employees. So Mr. Jungkook,do you have anything to say?"

Jungkook looked down. His jaw was clenched and his fists were ready to knock people down.

"No. I didn't do it. She was the one who tried to seduce me. Once I told her that I'm not interested in her,she started ripping her clothes and scratching herself. We were the only ones in the building so I tried to stop her but she started shouting. One of our employees suddenly came and started hitting me as you can see the bruises on my face. They fakely accused me of all this. I am innocent"

He stopped talking as the judge looked at the other side,where the head of the law industry was sitting.

"So...do you have anything to say Mr. Jinyoung?"

Y/n and Jimin were anxiously watching the laptop screen. There was a camera and microphone on Jinyoung's shirt button that showed them everything.

Y/n was shivering with fear. What if he revealed her name? What if she gets caught?

Jimin notice her and kept his hand on her hand. "It's okay. Don't worry." They both smiled at eachother and continued to watch the screen.

"Here are all the evidences that you need." Jinyoung said lazily. He had a really powerful position in Korea and his aura was equally powerful. Even the judge was scared of him. 

The screen at the corner of the courtroom lit up. A video started playing. Jungkook's face went pale. His mind was fogged. Didn't I completely erase this footage?

The clip ended and the judge turned to Jungkook.

"So Mr. Jeon,what would you like to say? This clearly shows your face."

Jungkook just kept glaring at Jinyoung while Jinyoung smirked. Jinyoung showed them the pic of her injuries and that was the last straw. Police officers came to Jungkook while he struggled in the handcuffs. "YOU'LL REGRET THIS"

He shouted towards Jinyoung, knowing that y/n must be watching this somehow. Mr. Jeon watched all this with a heavy heart. His breathing slowed down and he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. He heard doctors coming near him as he felt his heart stop. He was rushed to the nearest hospital.

Y/n felt immensely bad for the poor old man. He trusted his son so much. But still,she was happy as she finally got justice.

 But still,she was happy as she finally got justice

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Coincidental Soulmate {Jimin ff} (Completed) ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu