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As he was kissing her,I shot him. I saw how he fell and as the blood curdling scream of my daughter echoed through the church. Suddenly,I felt a bit guilty and empty. Why was I doing this?

Y/n was kneeling beside his body and his head was in her lap, covering her beautiful white gown in blood.

A few men were there who called someone. I think they called the ambulance.

Suddenly, one of the young men noticed me. The way his jaw clenched, I knew that he knows my identity.

Then it clicked me. He was the head of the law industry, the one who defended y/n by showing that pen drive.

I didn't notice when some of his men came and dragged me out. They took me to the front and he pointed a gun at me "I'LL KILL YOU". He shouted at me. I knew I deserved it so I just smirked. "The damage had been done"  I said and closed my eyes, ready to feel the bullet, but it never came.

I opened my eyes confused and saw him keeping his gun back. "Yes...the damage has been done. Now let's see how you'll live knowing you ruined the childhood and the lovelife of your own blood, not to mention your own wife. Mental torture is the worst."

His men left my arms as the medics arrived and took that park boy with him. Y/n was crying on her knees,praying for his life. I felt something in my heart seeing her cry like this. She struggled to get up and finally got up. She stumbled on her way to the ambulance to stay with him.

While going out,she noticed me and instantly,her eyes were filled with hate. All for me...

She suddenly came near me clapping her hands and said "congrats. You made my life hell. I thought that my childhood was enough and you would finally let me live freely but who was I kidding. But I hope you are happy now. Just so you know,don't look for me after this. If anything happens to him,all die too. Then you can remarry or continue bringing home new women everyday. I don't care anymore."

"No-o I-" I couldn't form sentences as the guilt was eating me up alive. She just went outside to the ambulance as I fell onto my knees. I recalled everything I ever did to my own family. How I broke it with my own hands.

I stuffed my hands on my face and cried. Suddenly,I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw the priest.

"God punishes everyone for their deeds before death. Now I don't know what happened but all I can say is that you did a big mistake."

He went away as I got up, ready to visit them in the hospital. I wanted to beg them for forgiveness.

Jimin was rushed to the ER as I sat on one of the metal chairs. As every second passed on the clock,I got more and more negative. After finally and hour, the doctor came out.

"He's okay...the bullet passed right past his spinal cord and if it hit the spinal cord,I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to walk for the rest of his life but he is lucky. As for his condition at the moment.... he's in a coma and we have no idea when he'll be okay. Just pray for his wellness."

I thanked the doctor and went inside. As I entered the room,his lifeless body was making me nauseous. I just wanted him to wake up and talk to me normally.

I went to sit beside him and held his hand. He was cold so I rubbed my palm against his hand and placed soft kisses over it.

As I was crying silently, I head the door fumble. I looked up and saw that man whom I'm ashamed to call my father. His face looked life he cried for God knows how long.

"What do you want now Mr. Jung? Do you want to kill me? Don't worry. This picture of my husband makes me wanna die too."

He looked down and sighed. "look...I'm really sorry...I don't know why I did all this. I wanted to keep our family together after breaking it off by my own hands. Please forgive me" he cried and feel on his knees but I didn't feel pity.

"Ok then. I forgive you but only on one condition. Leave me and my husband and all our loved ones alone. Disappear from our lives and just know you've gained my forgiveness."

sOo mUcH dRaMa-

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sOo mUcH dRaMa-

Coincidental Soulmate {Jimin ff} (Completed) ✔Where stories live. Discover now