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Little Jimin was sitting in the corner of the road. He was extremely hungry as he hadn't ate anything since 2 days.

He didn't have a home...a place to stay safe.. he didn't have anything.

He was left all alone on in the cruel world. He looked up to the sky and saw the beautiful stars. They looked so happy.

He sighed and wished to just be happy at least once in his life. While still looking up,he felt dizzy so he decided to go to an abandoned building nearby to sleep.

He layed down on the cold floor of the building and cuddling himself for some warmth. As he was saying his prayers,he heard a loud groan. The poor boy got scared and decided to look for the source of that sound.

He followed those grunts and saw an injured man laying on the floor. Gasping to himself,he rushed to the injured man's aid.

"A-are you ok?" He said panicking. "G-go away kid...it's none of your business" the man harshly spat to the boy,but he was too stubborn to let a man die on his own.

Jimin ignored his question and proceeded asking him his questions. "Is there any way I can help you?"

"Didn't I tell you to go away? Why don't you-"

"I don't want a man to die because of me. Please just tell me what can I do"

The injured man sighed and gave his phone to Jimin. His eyes closing from the pain.

"C-call the only number there" he commanded to the boy.

Jimin was confused. He had only seen this small box in his foster home,but he was forbidden to touch it.

"I-I don't know how to"

The injured man groaned with pain and frustration. Jimin fiddled with the small box in his hand until it started making some sounds. He gasped in surprise.

"Hello?" Someone said from the box. He freaked out. That injured man took the box from his hand and started talking to it. He stayed there for 5 minutes until a few men came and took the injured man. One of them grabbed him and put a handkerchief  Infront of his nose. He struggled for another 5 minutes,but then felt dizzy and eventually passed out.

Jimin POV
I woke up in a totally different atmosphere. It all looked highly royal and luxurious. I held my head,trying to remember what happened when it clicked me. Those men bought me here....

I was about to get off the bed when the door opened revealing that injured man,but now he looked better. His injuries were bandaged.

"Hey kiddo" he said and sat on the bed Infront of me. I felt weird as this man was probably the one who bought me here.

"Mind telling me what you were doing there and where are your parents" he said in a serious tone this time. I gulped and looked down. "I-I don't have parents..."

His eyes soften as he heard me. He kept a hand on my shoulder and said "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that.."

I told him it's okay and before I could continue,some other man entered. He gave me clothes and told me to take a shower. I obeyed and as I exited the bathroom after the shower,I saw a few maids calling me downstairs.

As I was walking downstairs,I saw lavishing interior. It all looked highly royal.

As I finished descending the stairs,I saw that man and a few other men. As soon as they saw me,they took me to the couch and started asking me questions. The second they heard that I haven't ate anything since 3 days,they ordered their maids and within a few minutes,the whole table was full of heavenly food.

I started eating like a wolf. The men chuckled while seeing me but I didn't care anymore. The food was too tasty for me to stop.

After half an hour,I was done. I ate a bit too much and my stomach was aching,but it was worth it.

"You want some more?" The man asked as I shook my head.

"So...how about a small introduction?"

I nodded and began introducing myself.

"My name is Park Jimin and I am 13."

"Well nice to meet you Jimin. My name is Jinyoung. Please call me Jinyoung hyung. I am 20."

After everyone was done introducing themselves,I heard a sound coming from outside. I realized that it was a man who was trying to sell some stuff. This reminded me of my place and I quickly got up. "Thank you for everything. I will never forget this. But now I need to take my leave."

As I was about to leave, Jinyoung hyung said something that made me stop.

"Would you like to join our gang...?"

I was supposed to post yesterday or the day before but I guess I'm too lazy

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I was supposed to post yesterday or the day before but I guess I'm too lazy. But I'm in the mood to write for now so I'll keep writing for the next chapter and hopefully,the other one too.

Coincidental Soulmate {Jimin ff} (Completed) ✔Where stories live. Discover now