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Right now,I'm in a broad meeting with Mr. Jungkook at another company. I was sitting beside Mr. Jungkook,trying to ignore that smug expression he was giving me.

Finally it was our turn.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen,I am Jeon Jungkook,the new CEO of Jeon Enterprises. It's an honer to be present with the world leaders today. Moving on,our company has been on the top since the past decade. The branches of our company is in every city of Korea,and some international countries. It would be a profit for both of us if we would sign this deal. Now,I request my secretary, Miss Jung y/n to show you the significance of working with us. Thank you"

As Mr. Jungkook Completed his speech,I got up and dusted off my clothes.

I went to the front and plugged in my pendrive which contained my work. I opened the file and began the presentation.

10 minutes later~~

"And that's why investing in our company can gain you people,as well as us,some profit."

I concluded with a smile and got to my seat. The whole room was clapping. Everyone was impressed. To be honest,I'm myself impressed and shocked.

"Mr. Jungkook, I must say,your secretary is really professional. We accept the deal and look forward to working with you."

What......? Did I really do this? YAYYY

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen,we also look forward to working with you." Mr. Jungkook said while I was having an existential crisis.

"The pleasure is all ours. Infact, we want to give you a big big project that is really important to our company. "

10 minutes later~~~

We left the building and sat in Mr. Jungkook's car. The driver was on the front seat.

I was sitting beside Mr. Jungkook while looking out of the window. Suddenly, I felt a on my hand. I looked towards Mr. Jungkook and saw him smiling at me. Although the hint of pervert-ness was still there.

"Good job today miss y/n I'm really proud. But you know,what this means? " i nodded my head and said "yes Mr. Jungkook. We should work diligently from now on and show our best"

Mr. Jungkook nodded and kept his hand on my shoulders. I seriously hate strangers being clingy.

After a 30 minute drive, we reached the company. I quickly got out and seeing me run out so fast, Mr. Jungkook chuckled. This man I swear-

As soon as I entered,some confetti dropped from the ceiling. I looked around and saw a huge banner.


I was confused. Did someone tell them? How did they know?

As I was in my thoughts,I felt a hand on my lower back and I froze. "Did you like my suprise dear?" Jungkook asked in a husky voice. I gulped.

"What's this about?" I chocked out.

"Well.....you did so well today....how can I not reward you,hmm?"

I slowly nodded my head and successfully got away from him. Everyone was congratulating me. I was kinda happy.

For the rest of the day,we were partying in the building. Mr. Jungkook gave a day off to everyone.

Although he was giving me glances
Every now and then,I stuck with Mr. Mochi as he was the only one I knew most about. Except for the fact that I don't even know his name....

Time skip~~~

It was 9 pm and the party was done. Everyone was saying that this is the most fun day they ever had. Now,everyone is leaving. As I was also about to step out,someone grabbed my elbow. I looked back and saw Mr. Jungkook.

"Miss Jung,I don't think it would be a good idea to let such a beautiful woman like you to go alone... Would you mind me dropping you?"

I heard the sinster tone in his voice,and I knew that dropping me home won't be that simple. I had to do something....

"Umm.....I'm sorry Mr. Jungkook. I am already with someone who's gonna drop me"

I literally saw his jaw clench....

"Who?" He said grasping my elbow harder making me hiss in pain

"She's with me" a voice said behind us.

"She's with me" a voice said behind us

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

EEK REALLY SORRY FOR THIS SHIT. I actually forgot to update yesterday because I was playing among us 😅.

Coincidental Soulmate {Jimin ff} (Completed) ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ