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We booked a cab and went to the venue of the party.

After a drive of like half an hour,we reached there. It was a beautiful building with fairy lights on the top and red carpet near the entrance. I looked over at mochi and saw him staring at everything in awe. I chuckled a little as he zoned back in and blushed slightly.

I was used to this stuff....my father used to hold such parties. It had rich people everywhere. They were all mannerless brats. If a worker did anything wrong,those people made sure that they are fired. I always hated those people to the gut. Who do they think of themselves as?

I was walking in when I realised that mochi looked a bit shy and awkward. I whispered to him "hey....you ok?"

"Y-Yeah... I'm ok....it's just that is my first time attending such party and I feel like I don't belong-"

I cut him off. "Yah! Don't say you don't belong here. Come....stay with me if you feel awkward" I said with a smile and inter wined my arm with his. I still maintained a safe distance.

We went inside and greeted Mr. Jeon. He was kinda looking like an happy old man. It was actually pretty cute.

Later, Jungkook greeted us. I was still doubtful about the fact that he changed or not. I knew for a fact that he was glaring at Mr. Mochi. Well....I got to know that Mr. Mochi's first name is Park. That's it. I don't know anything after that.

The party was lively and everyone was smiling. They were paying zero attention to the workers. Not saying thank you or anything. Just the usual brats....

I had a cold drink in my hand and Park mochi was also beside me. He didn't drink anything.

"I'll go to the washroom....." He suddenly spoke up. I just gave a little nod and he left me to find the washroom. I was sitting alone until...

"Hey,miss Jung" a smirking Jungkook came into my view. Damn didn't he change? Or is he still the pervert. "Good evening Mr. Jungkook" I said professionally. I didn't want him to feel like I would 'loosen up' if we are not at work.

"Oh come on,loosen up." I knew it. But I'm not gonna lose my professionalism. "No thanks Mr. Jungkook."

"Are you still mad at me for this morning? Look,I'm sorry for that but please don't ignore me" he said with a pout.

"Look Mr. Jungkook-" I got cut off by him saying "look look look" and he got 1 glass of beer and 1 glass of cold drink. He handed me that cold drink and said "take this drink as an apology. Cheers" he didn't give me any time, he just 'clinked' his glass with me and gulped down. I also thought that now he has probably been scolded by his father so we should not hold grudges.

With that, I gulped down my drink. He asked me some questions,but that were normal this time. Why isn't Jimin Coming tho?

I suddenly felt dizzy and sat on one of the stools. Mr. Jungkook stepped a little closer asking "hey! Are you ok?" I just nodded but my head felt more Dizzy and I passed out.

Oh f*ck

Jungkook POV
YES YES YES. Finally I can make her mine. I'll get her pregnant so that she can't leave my side. I don't care what I do but I just want to have her. I payed the waiter to pass by us when I give him the signal and bring the spiked cold drink.

She complained against me to my father. No one has ever done this. Fiesty....

I was about to pick her up when a hand came in front of me. "Yah! What happened to her?" Mr. Park asked me worriedly. He didn't seem suspicious about me tho. But how did he come here??? I hired a special stripper to seduce him whenever he leaves her alone. Ugh....my plan is rebounding.

"Let's take her to the hospital" I suggested. He nodded and picked her up in his arms. How I wish to be in his place....


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Coincidental Soulmate {Jimin ff} (Completed) ✔Where stories live. Discover now