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I reached my apartment after walking slowly for an hour. I sat down on the couch and looked up to the ceiling. I told myself;"you are strong,you are not a crybaby"

No matter how much I lie to myself,the truth doesn't change. Yes..I am a crybaby...I am weak...

Tears started streaming down my eyes. Why was I crying? I don't know. It just hurts so much. I never had a true friend. Jimin is the only one I have. It hurts badly when the only person you trust gets mad at you. I know it wasn't his fault.

Hugging myself,I fell asleep on my couch.

"I'm sorry,I'm so so sorry" I heard pleads in my ears. My eyes fluttered open as I felt myself in someone's arms.

I looked up as the lights blinded me for a moment. A familiar pair of eyes caught my attention. Jimin...

We kept staring at eachother in silence in that position. Suddenly,his phone rang, breaking us out of our universe.

We coughed and got a bit away. He picked up the phone. It was an unknown number.

I felt my blood run cold as he picked it up. What if my father found me?

"Hello?" He said.





"Good morning sir would you like to get a life insurance-"

He quickly cut the call as I finally got my colour back. Phew ...

"I'm sorry" I heard him say again. I looked up confused. "Why?"

"For shouting at you....I shouldn't have don't that...I know you were confused over the news...I should've calmly handled the situation."

"No no...I'm sorry. I was wrong to go out in this situation."

We both smiled at eachother, admitting our mistakes.

We were talking about some stuff until I remembered something. How did he get in my apartment?

He noticed my expression and chuckled a bit. "The door was open. I guess you were too sad to even notice...but I'm sorry for making you cry"

I just hugged him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek,not being able to resist myself.

I pulled away and saw his cheeks redder than a tomato. I chuckled a bit, still amused over how I got this confidence.

We both were staring here and there,trying to find a topic to talk on.

"Uhm...it's too late now. I think you should stay here...you can sleep on the bed I'll sleep here-"

"No no,it's okay. I don't wanna stay here...instead I need to ask you something."

I hummed in response,telling him to continue.

He cleared his throat and said "now..the surroundings are getting dangerous. If you would understand me....it would be best if you move in with me"

I was stunned for a sec and was brought back by a hand waving Infront of me. "It's okay if you don't want to,but it would just be better"

"Umm...I have no problem but I don't wanna burden you"

"What burden? You're not a burden to me. Instead,I would be sorry for you to be stuck with me"

We both laughed at his joke. I started packing and within an hour,I was done.

"I'm ready!" I'm chimed coming out of my room. Jimin chuckled and we left the apartment, returning the keys to the reception.

We left as soon as the documents of the apartment were filled. It was quite difficult as I had a mask on but we managed to make it work.

 It was quite difficult as I had a mask on but we managed to make it work

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Coincidental Soulmate {Jimin ff} (Completed) ✔Where stories live. Discover now