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Shelagh read her book, in her make shift room at Nonnatus when a knock at the door broke through the silence. Trixie poked her head around the door.
"Can we come in?" She asked as the door opened wider to reveal the other girls.
"Of course" Shelagh smiled placing her book on the bedside table, the girls sat on the bed and on chairs around her.
"I've missed our girl nights" Trixie smiled.
"Me too, I miss being surrounded by girls" Shelagh smiled.
"Here drink this" Patsy smiled handing Shelagh a glass.
"I don't drink" Shelagh admitted to her taking the glass anyway.
"Come on Shelagh one sip, then you get your suprise" Trixie smiled cheekily. Shelagh sighed before taking a small sip and wincing at the taste. The girls giggled and Trixie took the glass out of her hand.
"Now don't get to excited" Trixie smiled as she opened the door revealing Patrick.
"Patrick!" Shelagh smiled brightly.
"Hello" Patrick smiled giving Shelagh a kiss.
"This is the best suprise, thank you so much Trixie" Shelagh smiled as Patrick sat on the bed next to her.
"I was pressured into sneaking him in" Trixie laughed.
"Because someone won't let me in the front door" Patrick said loudly.
"Shhh, if the nuns come out of compline and hear you we'll have to hide you under the bed" Shelagh giggled.
"I got you a present" Patrick smiled pulling a pack of Henley's out of his pocket.
"I've been dying for one of those" Shelagh smiled as Patrick handed her one and lit it.
"Shelagh turner with a cigarette, I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't seeing it" Trixie smiled as Shelagh let out a puff of smoke.
"Shelagh's a dark horse when it comes to cigarettes especially these" Patrick smirked at Shelagh.
"Anything you would like to share with the group?" Patsy asked.
"No" Shelagh smiled.
"You two are the perfect couple, I still can't believe that you went from nun to wife" Trixie smiled.
"You were a nun!?" Patsy asked, her mouth hanging open in shock.
"A while ago" Shelagh admitted.
"I wouldn't believe it" patsy said taking a puff of her cigarette.
"It feels like a lifetime ago, I'm such a different woman than I was then" Shelagh said taking a puff of her cigarette.
"I'll say" Trixie smiled.
"I wanted to leave to have a family, I never expected Patrick and Timothy to fall into my plan" Shelagh smiled as Patrick ran his thumb over her hand.
"I don't think anyone quite expected any of this" Patrick admitted with a smile.
"I know I never expected this" Shelagh whispered with a frown. Patrick's hand suddenly stilled making Shelagh look up at everyone who were staring at her with sad eyes unsure of what to say.
"Sorry, I don't really know how to handle this" Shelagh frowned.
"We will get through it sweetie, we just don't want to upset you" Trixie slightly smiled taking her hand.
"I've cried all that I can, I just want to go home and be able to see my husband and son without fear of sister Evangelina" Shelagh smiled squeezing Trixie's hand.
"The things you see when you haven't got a gun" Chummy mimicked the sister sending everyone into a fit of giggles even Shelagh before she winced in pain.
"Sorry old bean" Chummy smiled.
"It's alright Chummy, I'm just glad we're getting back to normal" Shelagh smiled.
"But won't you miss the baby?" Cynthia asked.
"Every day but my life can't stop because of it, I have a wonderful son at home who deserves my love" Shelagh smiled squeezing Patrick's hand.
"And he truly has the best mother" Patrick smiled squeezing her hand back just as tight.

So Many Things I Want To SayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora