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Sister Bernadette parked her bike outside of the parish hall and entered the building.
"Sister Bernadette could you please go to the store room and get the linins" she asked kindly.
"Of course sister" she said heading off to complete the task.
A few minutes later
She was busy setting up the tea that she hadn't noticed Dr Turner enter the room.
"Sister Bernadette" he said startling me.
"Greetings Dr Turner" she said breathing heavily.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he chuckled.
"Somehow it always seems to be you sneaking up on me" she chuckled.
"I am sorry, how was Timothy?" He asked.
"A perfect angel and full of questions as always" she smiled.
"I'm glad to hear it, thank you for taking him to school" he smiled.
"It was a pleasure" she smiled placing the last teacup on the kitchen side.
"Battle stations" Jenny called into the kitchen before heading to the entrance of the hall.
"We best get to work" he said.
"Battle stations" she smiled before following him out of the kitchen.
A few hours later
She was testing Mrs Jenkins wee in the kitchen. She couldn't see what she was doing, she took off her glasses, cleaned them and placed them back on but she still struggled to see.
"You need new glasses" sister Evangelina huffed "if you don't your patients will suffer" she huffed again continuing with her task.
"Sister Evangelina Mrs Roberts missed her appointment today" Jenny said leaning her elbows on the window counter.
"Well I'm going to have to pay her a visit then" she huffed "right after I send you to get new glasses" she said pointing her finger at me.
"Yes sister" she said before rushing off to get on with her work.
Back at Nonnatus
"Have you booked your eye appointment?" sister Evangelina said sternly to me.
"Yes sister it's tomorrow morning at 9:00" she said confidently taking a bite of her sandwich.
"Good it will finally stop your patients from suffering" sister Evangelina grumbled.

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