Sick Sister Monica-Joan

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All the nuns stood in chapel singing as if it were any other compline. Except sister Monica Joan was missing.
"Where is sister Monica Joan?" Sister Bernadette asked sister Evangelina who looked just as puzzled as her.

As soon as the police car pulled up sister Bernadette flew down the steps.
"Where did you find her?" She asked as she climbed out of the car.
"Down on the pier. The winds wicked and she had nothing on her feet." Peter frowned.
"Oh you poor thing" she felt sorry for her "run inside and make up a hot water bottle" she ordered sending Cynthia running on ahead "and some tea!" She called after her.
"I have had tea and it was most acceptable. This conversely, fails to impress. It smells somewhat of perspiration and a great deal of regurgitated ale" sister Monica Joan said throwing the blanket off her shoulders for me and Jenny to catch as she climbed the stairs.
"Thank you so much for finding her" she said shaking constable Noaks's hand firmly.
"It's fine, I'm just worried-" he began but was cut off by sister Monica Joan falling.
"Sister!" She called and ran to check she was ok.

"How did she get out dressed like that?" He asked.
"We love sister Monica Joan, doctor, and we do the best we can for her but it wouldn't be right to lock her in her room. Besides the truth is, we don't know wether she has dementia or wether she's just will-fully eccentric" sister Bernadette explained.
"I understand, there are more medical treatises written about senile decay than you can shake a stick at. But I keep to one invariable diagnostic rule, if they're brought back by a policeman in their nightie then they've got it" he said attempting to light hearten the mood "for now the pneumonia is the real concern"
"The old people's friend" Sister Bernadette frowned.
"If they are ready to go it takes them gently. We could try penicillin, but if she has family, I think they should be sent for" Dr Turner frowned.
"She's been estranged from her family since she took her vows" she said remembering my own family "the head of our order mother Jesu Emmanuel is really her next of kin, I will call her at once" she explained.

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