Baby Raymond

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"Trixie!" Cynthia yelled from the front door.
"What? Oh my goodness!" She said.
"What is it ladies?" Sister Bernadette asked them as she saw the small infant in Cynthia's arms. "fetch sister julienne and hot water bottles" she instructed both of them, taking the small blue infant from Cynthia's arms.

They all gathered around the small infant that lay in my arms. Sister Bernadette held him tightly in her arms with blankets upon blankets wrapped around the tiny baby.
"Sister why would- how could someone do a thing like this?" Sister Bernadette asked her looking at the tiny baby in her arms.
"I've come to the conclusion there are only two reason for ever doing anything, one is love and the other is fear, it would appear both are at work in this case" she told her.
"I found what I can from the donation box" Trixie said appearing with two arm fulls of clothes.
"What are we going to call him them?" Fred asked pearing over my shoulder at the little one.
"I worry we should leave that to his mother, she may come back especially if it's reported in the papers" Cynthia said.
"It is in fact customary to name an abandoned infant after somebody close to it's rescue" he explained.
"Well we can't exactly call him Cynthia or sister Bernadette now can we" Trixie giggled.
"Some one closely connected and of the same gender" he said.
"No one calls their baby's Fred anymore you might as well give him a flat cap and a pipe" Trixie said making us giggle.
"There is surely only one appellation we can choose. The child must be baptised in honour of our patron, St Raymond Nonnatus" Sister Monica Joan said holding her head high.
"Now then little Raymond let's see if we've warmed you up" sister Evangelina said taking the thermometer out of his blanket and reading it, she gave a small nod.

"It is less than 24 hours old" sister Bernadette told the police man as she felt the placenta "and there's a piece missing" she told constable Noaks.
"What does that mean?" Peter asked.
"If the mother doesn't get medical help, she will develop a uterine infection, leading to high fever and possible septicaemia. If untreated it may be fatal" sister Bernadette told him.
"I see" he frowned.
"We need to find her, we may not have much time" sister julienne said frowning.

Every chance sister Bernadette could possibly get she was holding baby Raymond. She held him tightly in her arms, she would sing to him to help him sleep and she would rock him as she swayed and hummed. He enjoyed it, Raymond liked singing and listening to singing.
"The foster parents are coming on Friday sister" Chummy said appearing in the living room "first he will be fostered then adopted, lost to his mother forever" Chummy frowned taking a seat next to me.
"Don't say that, we must hope one day they go looking for each other" sister Bernadette smiled at the little boy in her arms.
"Your besotted with him" Chummy smiled at the both of us.
"I am, I can barely leave him to attend compline let alone if I was his own mother abandoning him on the steps of Nonnatus" she frowned.
"If you don't mind me saying sister, you would make a perfect mother" Chummy smiled.
"Thank you for the compliment" she smiled "Now this little one will want feeding soon" she replied heading towards the kitchen.

"Why don't you pick him up?" She asked Linnette.
"Because you'll make me put him down again" she cried.
"This is cruel, she's not ready to be a mother" Mrs Duncan cut in.
"With all do respect Mrs Duncan where you ready when you had Linnette?" She asked
"Of course not but that was different" she said angrily.
"Pick him up" Mr Duncan said. She walked over to him and looked down at the boy in the Moses basket. She gently picked him up and rocked him lightly.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Linnette cried.
"It's a bit late for that now" Mrs Duncan said her arms still folded.
"She ain't saying it to us love she's saying it to him" Mr Duncan said.

They watched silently as the children acted out their nativity play. Sister Bernadette watched as Dr Turner arrived late as usual and both boys smiled wide at one another. Then Timothy smiled at her and when he had played his part on the violin he smiled wide at her and waved and sister Bernadette waved back.

Faith cannot be captured but shown and shared.

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