Jane dances

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"Well it's been many years since I attended a dance" the reverend said.
"Oh but you must reverend, I couldn't bare to see these do to waste" sister Bernadette said looking at the tickets in her hands.
"I bet your a wonderful dancer" Trixie flattered him.
"Oh yes, quite the opposite in fact" he chuckled.
"What a perfect time to learn then" Cynthia added.
"I'm sure Jane would enjoy herself" sister Bernadette smiled at him as he turned to face her.
"In fact, I've got the perfect dress for her" Trixie smiled.
"Ah well, I must confess it will be a wonderful way to spend the evening, is Jane agreed?" he said taking the tickets from Trixie. An awkward silence fell over the four of them.

"Why me?" She asked him.
"You work so hard and I believe it will be fun, although I must confess to not having danced for a number of years" he smiled.
"I would very much like you to accompany me" he said nervously.
"Yes, yes thank you" she said quickly.
"Wonderful" he smiled walking off nervously.

Jane missed the dance with the reverend and he thought it was his fault for talking too much.
"It was in the silences at the dinner table that I felt my parents hatred for each other. So I grew accustomed to filling them. I know it can be difficult to bear. At boarding school I was often without company. I talk, so that I won't know what the silence holds" he admitted to Jane.
"I...I don't like to talk much. But I like listening to you" she smiled taking his arm as they walked down the street.

"Sister I didn't see you in service yesterday or today" sister julienne noticed.
"I've been keeping up with my offices whilst on duty sister" sister Bernadette told her.
"Excellent, Dr Turner came by. He dropped this off. He said his sincerest apologies for being so absent-minded, he's been carrying it around for weeks now" she said handing me a large piece of paper. She took the paper from her hands and unfolded it, there in crayon was a picture of Timothy and her smiling in the sun.
"It's charming" sister julienne said as sister Bernadette smiled down at the picture she left the room and the months of guilt came flooding back to her.
Was this the life I wanted? Was god sending me on a new path?

"Reverend!" Jane called.
"Ah Jane I'm so please you-"
"It's my turn to talk" she finally decided to tell him why she missed the dance "I've always been scared. As long as I can remember. They say I used to sit bolt upright and scream. My parents sent me away. I don't blame them but for a long time, I was, away. Your stories about Africa are like picture books brought to life. And the way you saved that man outside the dance hall-"
"Oh you were there?" He asked.
"Please. Life for me is full of fear. But I want you to know, I really wanted to come to the dance with you. I was too scared. I still struggle. So I think you deserve someone brave. I've grown accustomed to the sound of your voice. It's strange when your not talking" she said breathless from running.
"You are so brave" he smiled at her earning a smile back.

"I have concluded that green potatoes are not the culprit, I ate one yesterday and felt perfectly well" sister Monica Joan said.
"For you to have a birth of any kind my dear is that surpassing the virgin Mary" Sister Evangelina said clearing the table.

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