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I followed mother Jesu as she made her way to a group of 4 young girls.
"Hello girls" mother Jesu smiled at them at.
"Good morning mother" they answered in chorus except one who muttered instead.
"It is lovely to see you all today and you are all very lucky to be with Shelagh who served God and the sisterhood but has now chosen a different life with God guiding her. I shall leave you all in her capable hands" she smiled before shooting me a quick smile before leaving to her office.
"Hello ladies my name is Shelagh and it's wonderful to meet you all" I smiled at them.
"My name's Amy" a girl with brown hair and brown eyes smiled at me.
"My name's Eliza short for Elizabeth" a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes smiled at me.
"My name's Jane" a girl with brown hair and green eyes smiled at me.
"What about you?" I smiled looking at the last girl who remained silent.
"My name's Belinda" she said quietly. I took a seat on the bench in front of the girls.
"Do any of you have any questions?" I asked looking at all of them.
"What is it like being a district nurse?" Amy asked.
"It is wonderful, everyday we work closely with our paitents and we are rewarded by bringing life into the world" I smiled.
"Then why are you leaving?" Jane asked.
"I found a new path with God guiding me to start it" I said very vagly.
"That's very vague" Eliza commented making us chuckle.
"Can you tell us more?" Amy asked.
"I have fallen in love with a doctor and God has shown me that I want a life with things I can't have in the order, a husband and children" I smiled thinking of Timothy and Dr Turner.
"Your leaving for a man? How romantic" Jane smiled.
"Not just him but a life where I will be a mother to his son and our own children one day" I smiled blushing slightly.
"What was it like?" Belinda asked.
"What was what like?" I asked as the other girls fell silent.
"The call to the order" she said quietly.
"Well I saw nuns a few times during the war, helping others and it was like someone was pushing me towards them" I explained.
"And your other call?" Eliza asked.
"It was like I had finally seen something that had been there all along and it made me feel complete" I smiled thinking only of Dr Turner and our future together.
"You love him" Belinda smiled before lowering her head again.
"Yes I do which is why I'm leaving the order. Religious life isn't the only life" I smiled at them all.

So Many Things I Want To SayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora