Lies you tell me

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"How could you not tell me!?" Shelagh shouted at Patrick after she showed the adoption representatives out.
"I didn't think she could go through my entire history!" Patrick shouted back.
"She is placing a child! She needs to know who she is placing it with. So do I!" Shelagh shouted back "What happened to you?" Shelagh said more calmly.
"I-I can't talk about it" Patrick stuttered slightly.
"If you think I can forget this, you don't know me! I won't live with this between us Patrick" Shelagh said, her voice trembling, her accent strong when she said his name. Any other day, it would've made Patrick smile but today it only brought sadness.
"I manage. I manage by keeping it behind me" Patrick's voice trembled.
"How can you treat others when you so clearly cannot treat yourself?" Shelagh said angrily. She wanted a baby weather it was from her womb or someone else's, and now her husband has kept secrets from her that could stop her from getting the very thing she wanted so badly.
Patrick stormed out of the room as tears began to fall from both of their eyes.
'what have I done?' Shelagh thought as more tears began to fall. She had brought up a painful past, one that she was all too familiar with and now she had hurt her husband.

"Hello dear" Shelagh created Patrick with a smile as he placed a kiss to her cheek and sat on the sofa after a long day of work.
"You've a choice for your pudding tonight, I tried my hand at an apple Charlotte, or there's cling peaches and evap if you want something lighter" Shelagh explained from her place in the kitchen through the hatch.
"It's up to you" Patrick smiled at his wife awkwardly. Timothy sensed the awkwardness in the air and broke the silence.
"I wish it was up to me because I'd say apple Charlotte" he smiled up at his mother from his place at the table "mums been making it since you had your lunch" Timothy explained.
"We'll have that then" Patrick smiled.
"Apple Charlotte it is" Shelagh smiled at her husband.

"There's a nip in the air today, are you sure you don't want me to go to the cleaners for your overcoat?" Shelagh asked "I'm sure that-"
"No, I'll take a scarf, it's only a mild frost" Patrick said. Awkwardness fell about the air again as the letterbox went.
"Will you fetch the post?" Shelagh as Timothy sending the boy off and out of the room, the silence still clinging about the air.
"I'm just trying to show you that I care" Shelagh frowned as Timothy entered the living room.
"Dr and Mrs P Turner" Timothy read out loud before handing the letter to his father. Patrick looked at the front of the letter before telling Tim his orders.
"Tim go and wait in the car" Patrick said as the boy did as he was told, closing the front door behind him. Shelagh walked towards the doorway where the hallway met the kitchen and took the now open letter from her husband's hands.
"After due consideration we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as adoptive parents, we have every confidence that in due course, you will be able to offer an otherwise unwanted child a very happy home" Shelagh beamed "they seem very confident of that" Shelagh frowned.
"Of what?" Patrick asked.
"The notion that we have a happy home" Shelagh frowned "at the moment, I'm not sure that we do" Shelagh frowned again. Patrick handed Shelagh back the letter before collecting his case and leaving without another word.

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