Return to Poplar

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"Morning" Dr Turner's cheery voice sounded through the phone.
"I'm coming back to Poplar today" I said cheerily down the phone.
"Sister Bernadette?" He said bewildered.
"I've made my choice before I read your letters, I'm afraid you won't recognise me" I joked making us both chuckle.
"I will always be able to recognise your eyes" he smiled through the phone.
"There are procedures to be gone through with sister julienne, I'm going to take the bus back to Nonnatus" I explained.
"But it'll be months before your fully fit" he said concernly.
"You said that last time" I chuckled.
"I know but I'm concerned for your health what if it comes back?" He questioned.
"I feel as fit as I've ever been" I smiled.
"You've already said that" he chuckled. I listened as he spoke to someone on the other end.
"I've got to go duty calls" he sounded sad.
"I understand, I'll see you soon" I replied before hanging up the phone.

I stepped outside into the garden with my suitcase in hand and mother Jesu following behind me. The girls spotted me and came running over.
"Are you really leaving?" Amy asked.
"Yes, it is time for me to sign the final paperwork and head home" I smiled.
"Good luck" Jane smiled pulling me for a tight hug.
"You tell that man of yours he better take care of you or else" Eliza smiled hugging me.
"Shelagh can take good care of herself" Amy smiled hugging me tightly.
Shelagh and Belinda shared a glance before they pulled eachother in for a tight hug.
"Goodbye girls" I smiled at them all before heading to the front door.

"Goodbye Shelagh, good luck and if you ever want to stay we will be glad to have you as our guest" she smiled.
"Thank you mother Jesu" I smiled, giving her a hug.
"May God be with you" she smiled.
"May God be with you too" I smiled, picking up my suitcase and leaving through the now open front door.

"Dr turner I was wondering if you could take a peek at Dolly Smart?" Chummy asked.
Dr Turner nodded in return and Chummy hid by the door out of sight.
"I've got to go duty calls" he said sadly.
"I understand I'll see you soon" Chummy heard faintly, it sounded a lot like sister Bernadette.

"Well it looks as if things are on the move, but the baby's in a good position for delivery. Nurse Lee will be in shortly but until then I will leave you in the capable hands of nurse Noaks. Don't worry your in capable hands" he smiled before heading out of the room in a rush.

Dr Turner ran to his car and climbed in.
"Your supposed to be washing the equipment" said bewildered.
"I've finished and you owe me half a crown. I thought I would come with you on your rounds" Timothy said.
"I'm not going on my rounds" Dr Turner mumbled as he started the engine and drove off from the maternity home.

I stood at the bus stop gripping my handbag. I was so nervous and excited at the same time. The pit in my stomach seemed to grow deeper by the minute.

"If I see her shall I shout at her? Should I shout stop! Sister Bernadette!" Timothy shouted with his head sticking out of the window.
"No leave the talking to me" Dr Turner replied staring out of the front window.

"Dad! There's a woman in the wrong clothes and I think it's her. Stop! Sister Bernadette!" Timothy shouted into the fog.

I turned round at the sound of Timothy's voice and I placed my bags onto the concrete floor.

Dr Turner pulled over, got out of the car and jogged the few feet towards Shelagh.

Dr Turner slowly lifted his hand and placed it on Shelagh's forehead making her close her eyes.
"What if it had started raining? What if you had gotten lost?" He said moving his hand from her forehead.
"I was lost, I got the wrong bus" she replied as he wrapped his coat around her neck and held it there.
"I was on the right road" he smiled.
"Yes. I know you so little but I couldn't be more certain" Shelagh nervously breathed out.
"I am completely certain, I don't even know your name"
"Shelagh" she smiled.
"Patrick" he smiled.
"There we've made a start" Shelagh smiled up at Patrick.

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