New Nonnatus

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They were evicted from Nonnatus soon after they found the bomb.
"Oh look at that it feels like home already" Cynthia smiled at Fred as he screwed the sign into the side of the building.
"I always say it's the little things that count" Fred smiled taking a case from Cynthia's hands.

"My dear sister Winefred, I am so glad you've come to us, you cannot begin to imagine how welcome you are" sister julienne smiled at her new sister's arrival.

"Everyone this is sister Winefred who has come to live and work with us" sister julienne smiled at her friends around the table.
"Hello sister Winefred" they all smiled back.
"Hello! I'm delighted to be here" she smiled.
"She joins us from the mother house at Chichester" sister julienne explained.
"What a perfectly frightful journey" Trixie smiled.

Shelagh walked towards Patrick's office door, knocking on the hard wood, she heard enter called from the other side.
"The patient files are completely reorganised. It's time for the finishing touches, there was no sun in your old surgery, any plant would've withered and died" Shelagh smiled.
"You know there is a permanent position for you if you'd like it. Receptionist and all-round saviour of my sanity" Patrick joked.
"Timmy needs me at home and so do you, I love helping out but it's part time and temporary" Shelagh smiled "what on earth is that supposed to say?" Shelagh asked looking down at his paperwork.
"Erythromycin suspension" Patrick frowned.
"I'm going to set you handwriting exercises" Shelagh smiled.
"Cheeky" he smiled pulling her into his lap.
"Well it's true your handwriting is worse than Timothy's" she smiled. Patrick pulled a fake frown making Shelagh giggle. Patrick connected their lips in a long kiss.
"I best get back to work, there are boxes that need unpacking" Shelagh smiled leaving the office. Patrick smiled as she left the office and once she was out of sight, he refocused on his work.

"Afternoon ladies, settling in?" Dr Turner asked with a smile.
"It already starting to feel like home" sister julienne smiled.
"Except the phone doesn't work so people keep dropping in to visit unannounced" sister Evangelina smiled sarcastically.
"Well phone or no phones, I wanted to tell you face to face. We have found a permanent site for you ante-natal clinic" he smiled.
"At last" sister julienne smiled wide.
"At the council community centre in Argent street, now the best news of all, we can have it for two afternoons a week not one" Patrick smiled.
"Can clinic still be on a Tuesday that what I want to know? It's always been on a Tuesday, I don't want the mother's messed about any Futher" sister Evangelina asked.
"Tuesday absolutely, and Thursdays too without any extra charge. This is the best chance we've ever had of delivering not just healthcare but health education, we could give classes in Mothercraft, cookery, nutrition, exercise, the list is limitless" Patrick smiled.
"I bet it is" sister Evangelina grumbled.

Shelagh carried a box into the council community centre hall watching the others faces light up in joy.
"What do you think?" She asked smiling.
"It'll do" sister Evangelina joked making them laugh.

"Shelagh, are these really the only ladies left?" Jenny asked.
"Yes, there are 21 women who haven't appeared and 9 of those have previously missed appointments" Shelagh frowned.
"My word, it's all rather palatial compared to the old parish hall, am I too late to pick up some vitamin drops for young sir?" Chummy asked with a smile.
"No, you can have vitamin drops, a full weigh and measure, an assessment for milk tokens and an eyes test if you like. There's no queue and your guaranteed personal attention" Jenny smiled.
"I really am a tail-end Charlie aren't I? I was at church sorting out some mildew on the kneelers" Chummy smiled.
"Hardly anybody came Chummy" Cynthia frowned.
"The trouble is I'm not sure anybody know where the community centre is or what it's for. People are used to parish halls and missions, if something doesn't have a saints name in front of it I think there a little suspicious" Shelagh frowned.
"But at least your a fixed abode now, time for a leafleting campaign methinks" Chummy smiled.
"Chummy, I wish we had the time" Jenny frowned.
"Well if you haven't, I have. Oceans of it, acres. I'm knee deep in time and you can have it all" Chummy smiled.

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