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They all sat at the dining room table enjoying their conversation and of course breakfast.
"I cannot wait to see your new glasses" Trixie smiled at me from across the table.
"I just need a new prescription I probably won't get a new frame" she told her as she buttered her toast.
"Oh please your glasses don't suit you at all" Trixie moaned.
"Trixie don't be so rude" Cynthia scolded her.
"I'm sorry but they don't at all" Trixie sweetly smiled at me.
"I think that that's enough discussion about sister Bernadette's glasses now you must go or you'll be late" sister julienne said looking at her and standing from the table.
"Yes sister" she replied standing up from the table and heading to the coat rack.
"I shall accompany you to the bus stop" sister julienne said as she grabbed her coat.
"There is no need sister" she replied pulling her coat over her shoulders.
"I insist" she said buttoning her coat and flashing her a smile.
They walked, occasionally chatting to patients and each other. The walk was only 5 minutes but it felt so much longer.
"Here we are" she said pausing by the bus stop.
"I will come and pick you up after your appointment" sister julienne smiled.
"There really is no need sister, you have paitents to see" she smiled at her.
"Only if your ok to walk back alone" she said.
"Yes sister, I will be fine" she smiled before climbing into the bus and waving goodbye to sister julienne.
2 hours later
She walked back to Nonnatus smiling and saying hello to all the women of Poplar that she has helped over the years. But something was different. She was being noticed. People weren't just saying hello or passing on good wishes they were staring at her. She was never used to gaining attention since her mother died it felt strange, almost foreign to her.
She walked the rest of the way home hanging her head. She was dreading being noticed, she feared that she was no longer invisible at all.

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