A Proposal

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Patrick nervously paced the length of the community centre kitchen. Shelagh and Patrick had spent a lovely day with Timothy, enjoying each others company. Patrick froze when he heard the door to the hall open.

Shelagh's heart was racing, and practically beating out of her chest. She didn't know why Patrick asked her here, but she had a good idea. She entered the kitchen pushing the paper strings to the side. Shelagh smiled up at Patrick and moved into the room.

"Hello Patrick" she smiled nervously.
"Hello Shelagh" he smiled back just as nervously "this is for you. From me and somebody else" he said handing her the small parcel in his hands.

Shelagh took it from his hands and began slowly untiring the string.
"Please will you marry my dad" she said breathlessly looking up at Patrick. Shelagh opened the box, smiling when she saw a wedding ring. Her wedding ring.
Patrick took the ring from the box, and Shelagh placed the box onto the counter.
Patrick took her hand and slowly slipped the ring into its rightful place.
Slowly, he lifted her hand a placed a kiss to her new wedding ring. Patrick looked up at Shelagh meeting her eyes and they both smiled. Their future together was finally beginning.

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