Our daughter

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"Shelagh she's put on another pound!" Cynthia remarked making Shelagh beam.
"I feel like the luckiest woman alive" Shelagh beamed "all my prayers were answered, just not in the way I'd expected" she smiled.
"A little bird tells me that a certain young lady has come for her vaccinations" Patrick smiled taking Angela from Shelagh "and she can come right to the front of the queue" Patrick smiled as he walked off with Angela.
"Patrick she'll catch her death of cold" Shelagh said running after him, Angela's clothes in hand.

Timothy pushed Angela's pram as they looked for Christmas trees.
"Colin's got a silver tree, his grandmother she sent it from America, she was a GI bride" Timothy commented.
"Well Colin and his family clearly have very modern tastes. Your father and I are more traditional" Shelagh said as she searched the trees.
"I know" Timothy said sadly.
"Timothy a silver tree would just look plain silly in our living room" Shelagh said as they moved along the trees.
"But mum, it would save money. We'd be able to get the same tree out every year, and Angela would be able to say this is the tree we got the first Christmas I was first born" Timothy wined.
"We are going to have a lovely spruce and that's the end of the matter. If you like you can choose some slightly-modern ornaments from Woolworths later, just to prove we aren't lagging too far behind the times" Shelagh said still looking at the trees when suddenly a man fainted knocking over hot coals as he fell to the ground.
"Watch the baby!" Shelagh shouted to Tim as she rushed over to the man "I'm a trained nurse help me to turn him on his side. There's a risk that he might choke" Shelagh said as she and another man rolled him.
"I think some coals burnt his leg" a man in the crowd called out.
"Let me deal with the fit. Can somebody ring for an ambulance?!" Shelagh shouted as loud as she could "it's alright. It's alright" Shelagh repeated after she stuffed her scarf into his mouth.

Shelagh walked into her bedroom and smiled at Patrick who was lying down, his arm wrapped around Angela.
"I wondered where you'd got to. You look sad" Shelagh commented as she lay down beside him, there daughter between them.
"I couldn't be happier, for us. But, our daughter started life as someone else's child. How can we ever forget that?" Patrick frowned as he looked down at Angela.
"I forget it a hundred times a day. Then I remember and my heart breaks for the poor wee girl who gave her up" Shelagh admitted.
"And it's Christmas" Patrick frowned.
"She'll be thinking, is she loved?" Shelagh said stroking Angela's cheek.

"We do all understand that this letter may never reach the baby's first mother. It may be that all the adoption society will do is keep it on file in case she ever makes enquires" Shelagh explained.
"I still think we ought to try" Timothy said from his place on the sofa with Angela.
"Very well" Shelagh smiled "your daughter is now known as Angela Julienne and she is ten weeks old. She has blonde hair, an older brother Timothy, and our family lives-" Shelagh read out but was cut off by Timothy
"In a flat with a natural Christmas tree" he smiled at his mum making Shelagh and Patrick chuckle.

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