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Shelagh and Patrick walked arm in arm as Timothy ran ahead of them, looking in awe at all of the stalls.
"He looks so happy" Shelagh commented with a smile.
"He's missed you" Patrick commented.
"I've missed him" Shelagh smiled.
"So what do you want to do first?" Patrick asked looking around.
"That" Shelagh said pointing at a colorful stall with large teddy bears on it.

Shelagh and Patrick sat on a bench as Tim was having his 3rd turn on hook a duck game.
"Tonight was very enjoyable" Patrick smiled.
"Yes it was, especially when you had to have a second turn on the strongman game" Shelagh giggled.
"I love it when you giggle, especially when it's at me" Patrick smiled at her making her blush.
Shelagh leant in and connected her lips with Patrick's. It felt so natural as if they do this every day. They pulled apart just before Tim came bounding over to them.
"It's so fun" Tim smiled.
"We're glad that your having fun" Shelagh smiled.
"It's time to go now Tim" Patrick said as he and Shelagh stood up from the bench.
"Ok dad, I'll show you to the car Shelagh" Tim smiled taking her hand and pulled her towards the car.

When they finally arrived at Nonnatus house, Tim was fast asleep sprawled along the backseat of the car. Patrick walked Shelagh to the doors of the house.
"Thank you for today I had fun" she smiled.
"I'm glad, so did I" Patrick smiled.
"I'm glad we did this" she smiled. Patrick began to lean in before Shelagh stopped him.
"There shouldn't be any intermingling of lips on this particular door step" Shelagh said quietly.
"No one will know" Patrick smirked, taking her by the waist he connected their lips in a long and gentle kiss.
"Goodnight Shelagh" Patrick smiled.
"Goodnight Patrick" Shelagh smiled entering Nonnatus house. She leant against the door, her heart racing, his kiss still playing on her lips.
"Did you have a good night Shelagh?" Sister julienne smiled and asked.
"It was lovely sister but I'm very tired" Shelagh smiled making her way down the hallway "goodnight" they both called to eachother. Shelagh fell onto her back on her bed, closing her eyes in bliss.
"Tell us everything" Trixie said bursting into her room with, Cynthia and Jenny in tow.

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