Goodbye Chummy

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Chummy waited anxiously at the kitchen table. It was supposed to be her going away party but everyone failed to show up.
"Do you think people have forgotten?" Chummy asked sister Evangelina after moving the food around the table for the third time in a row.
"Quite possibly" sister Evangelina replied, continuing her task at hand. Chummy sat down at the table with a sigh.
"I suppose with the week we've had" she said making an excuse for everyone.
"Indeed" sister Evangelina replied.
Then singing floated through the halls.
"What on earth is that?" Chummy asked venturing out into the hallway.
"You are my special angel sent from up above, my grave smiled down on me, and sent an angel to love me, you are my special angel right from paradise, I know that your an angel, heaven is in your eyes. The smile from your lips brings the summer sunshine, the tears from your eyes bring the rain. I feel your touch, your warm embrace and I'm in heaven again. You are my special angel, through eternity I know that your an angel because you watch over me" the cubs and sister Bernadette sang loud and clear to Chummy and Peter.

Fred presented Chummy with a bicycle bell.
"It's from us all, I hear the roads ain't too clever out there so you get into any bother you ring that as loud as you can I swear we'll all hear it" Fred smiled.
"Back before you know it" she smiled in return.
"No words of mine could match those inside" sister julienne said handing her a Bible.
"Thank you" chummy muttered back.
"I forbid it, you can't possibly leave" Trixie cried hugging her tightly.
"What a load of old tosh. Course she's got to go. You've had a calling haven't you?" Sister Evangelina smiled shaking her hand.
"You look after her" she said shaking Peters hand as well.
They all hugged her and Peter in turn wishing them well and safe travels, hoping that they'll be back sooner rather than later.
"You promise me to be brave and strong and chase your dream of courage" she whispered hugging her tightly.
"I will" she whispered back.
"Promise me you will become more of an unstoppable force than sister Evangelina" she smiled.
"I'll try my best" she smiled finally releasing her hands.
"Goodbye" she waved to us all.
"We love you" they called and waved as the taxi pulled away from Nonnatus.

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