Angela Julienne Turner

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"Baby Jones is at the far end of the room, on the right. There is a little felt sunflower attached to her cot" the woman explained.
"Perhaps master Turner would like to wait in the office with me?" The woman suggested leading Timothy away. Patrick noticed the nervousness across Shelagh's face.
"Do you want to go in alone?" He asked.
"No Patrick, this is the closest I'm ever going to get to giving birth. And I want, I need you to be by my side" Shelagh smiled nervously at Patrick as he opened the door to the nursery and they entered.
They began to slowly walk towards the cot, Shelagh's heart was racing, so many questions were flying through her mind.
'will I be a good mother?'
'will I give her a good life?'

Patrick looked at Shelagh before continuing to approach the cot. He gazed down at the child before him in utter shock. He had a daughter, a perfect daughter.
"What's she like?" Shelagh asked her voice trembling.
"Close your eyes" Patrick whispered as Shelagh closed her eyes and held her hands out in front of her, ready to meet her daughter. Patrick lifted the small baby into his arms and carried her to Shelagh.
"Here's your mummy" he smiled as he placed the baby into her arms. Shelagh felt the weight of the baby in her arms and all of the questions in her mind vanished leaving only love in its wake. Shelagh opened her eyes and gazed down at the new baby. She was hers. God had brought them together and now he was bringing this child to them.
"We have a daughter" Shelagh smiled up at her husband as she held her daughter tightly.

The nuns, nurses and the Turner's sat at Nonnatus gazing at the baby, even sister Evangelina couldn't put her down.
"So what's her name Shelagh?" Trixie asked looking at the bundle in Shelagh's arms.
"Well, we decided to call her Angela" Shelagh smiled at Trixie before turning to sister julienne "Angela Julienne" Shelagh smiled.
"I shall cherish the honour" she smiled at Shelagh, giving her a hug, the best she could with Angela between them "that reminds me I have something for you" sister julienne smiled as she grabbed a neatly tied parcel from the table and presented it to Shelagh who had given Angela to Patrick. Shelagh carefully unwrapped it to reveal the nightdress she had made not so long ago.
"The nightdress, you kept it?" Shelagh asked in awe of sister juliennes thinking.
"For you. For better times to come" sister julienne smiled as Shelagh gave her a tight hug and whispered to her.
"Thank you sister" and once they had pulled away she replied
"We must never give up on the things we want most in this world" Shelagh followed sister juliennes eye line which fell on Patrick, Angela and Timothy "especially if we want that thing more than we want the air we breathe" she smiled. Once Shelagh wanted a certain Dr and his son in her life and now she did forever and once Shelagh wanted to stop giving babies away and now she didn't have to. She had the very things that she wanted more than the air she breathed. She had her home.

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
So Many Things I Want To Sayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें