Mixed Feelings

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Dr Turner took his hat and bag out of sister Evangelina's hands before leaving.
"I can't believe he's getting married in three days" Jenny smiled.
"And to Shelagh, he really does look happy" Cynthia smiled.
"Men generally do, when they've got everything they want" sister Evangelina grumbled.
"It's ashame she's only having a small wedding" Jenny frowned.
"Well they have both been married before Jenny" Cynthia reminded her.
"I know, and it's a shame Shelagh moved out" Jenny frowned again.
"It's only because she's getting married soon and she won't be working anymore" Cynthia explained.
"Like I said what a shame" Jenny frowned.

"Hello you" Chummy smiled at Peter from her place on the bed.
"Hello, how are you both?" Peter asked placing a kiss to Freddie and Chummys heads.
"I've been followed around by the smell of young sirs vomit all day" Chummy sighed.
"Guess what's behind my back" Peter smiled.
"I haven't the faintest idea but if it's a steak and kidney pie I shall love you forever" Chummy sighed.
"Sorry" Peter smiled showing her the mistletoe he had behind his back.
"Never mind, the same sentiment applies" she smiled as Peter placed a love fueled kiss to her tired lips.

Shelagh walked along the cobbles, listening to her heels clicking along as she walked home with her wedding dress in hand.
"My dear Shelagh" sister julienne smiled dismounting her bike.
"Hello sister julienne" Shelagh weakly smiled.
"It's so very good to see you, the bride to be" she smiled. Shelagh felt as if sister julienne was being condescending in some way.
"I was on my way to sit with Timothy whilst he does his homework" Shelagh explained, trying to avoid the conversation "Dr Turner's out on call and my lodgings aren't far away" Shelagh explained making sure that sister julienne understood nothing Inappropriate would happen.
"Is there something very special in that box?" Sister julienne pried.
"My wedding dress, I've just been to collect it, it's knee length, really quite simple" Shelagh explained.
"And for that very reason you'll look exquisite in it" sister julienne smiled "Christmas Eve is a beautiful day to be married" she smiled.
"It'll be a quite ceremony, Timothy will come with us of course" Shelagh felt awkward.
"I understand, nevertheless we'd hoped to see you more often"
"I don't like to trouble you, Nonnatus house is such a busy place" Shelagh frowned.
"We aren't too busy to include you in our prayers" sister julienne smiled kindly.
"That means a very great deal to me sister and I thank you for it" Shelagh smiled weakly before heading on her way. She knew they loved her but it was going to be different, she was going to be a wife and a mother. Everyone at Nonnatus is always busy she didn't want to cause any more frustration like she did for sister Evangelina.

"What do you think?" Shelagh asked Timothy as he looked into the box.
"Why are you asking me? I'm not a woman, I'm not even a girl" Tim said closing the lid.
"I needed a second opinion, and I can't ask your father he's the groom, so it's unlucky" Shelagh explained.
"Why isn't it white?"
"It's nearly white" Shelagh countered.
"It's grey"
"I wanted something...understated" Shelagh paused finding the right word.
"Oh. I heard a woman in the sweet shop saying you were doing it all hole and corner because you'd been married before. To Jesus. She said you were like a divorced person" Tim said.
Shelagh quickly grabbed the box and began closing it angrily.
"Your doing that in quite a cross way" Tim noted.
"I am cross, but not with you" she smiled at the boy kindly letting him know it wasn't his fault.

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