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Trixie and I pinned up the posters for the x-ray van.
"Won't catch me going anywhere near that x-ray van. Rotten for babys health apparently" a woman said behind me.
"Rumours are not to be believed, x-ray's are extremely low risk to an established pregnancy, your putting your child at greater risk by not having an x-ray" I explained.
"Oh dear! I fear we may need to up our game a little" Trixie frowned.
"Indeed" I agreed with her.

I carried the box of x-ray cards through Nonnatus.
"Morning sister" I smiled at sister julienne.
"Ah, the x-ray cards, let me help you" she said taking the top box "I'm afraid we've been sent rather too many" she said carrying the heavy box.
"I don't think so" I replied "I think we can expect great things from today" I smiled.
"I'm pleased to see you optimism" she smiled "you have a spring back in your step sister, I am glad" she smiled.
"If people come today, so many lives and future lives will be saved" I smiled.
"Indeed, shall we" she said as she began walking outside.

"There is no point in pushing, I shall not topple that easily. I shall say it again, form a que!" Sister Evangelina shouted.
"Excuse me thank you" I said nearing the van "Good morning doctor" I smiled up at him.
"Sister Bernadette" he smiled.
"Posters worked then?" I asked.
"Never in my wildest dreams" he smiled. He was in my wildest dreams.
"Alright good morning everyone, now you will only be in the van for a matter of moments. After we've taken your snap shot, you will be handed your x-ray, which you must then give to sister Bernadette here, along with your name and address card" he shouted for all to hear "Are you alright sister?" He asked sister Evangelina.
"Yes doctor, I was made for days like this. Oi, you!" She shouted at a man who tried to cut the que.
"Sister Bernadette will be helping us today" Dr Turner told the other doctor.
"Marvelous, good to know we will have the lord on our side" he smiled.

"Just get in there" a mother shouted at her daughter.
"Don't want to" she grumbled.
"Just do it!" Her mother yelled again.
"No!" The girl shouted.
"Can I help?" I asked the mother of the child.
"You won't be able to do nothing. She's just doing it to show me up" the mom moaned.
"I'll tell you what I don't want to go in there either, shall we make a pact? If you go in, I'll go in" the little girl nodded "good" I replied heading off into the van, I was screened then the little girl went in next.
"Thank you" the Dr Turner smiled.
"She's only little" I smiled.
"Your a natural" he said continuing with his work.

"Thank you sister, you did wonderful work today" he praised sister Evangelina.
"Forgive me doctor, my throat is a bit ragged" she barely said.
"Doctor could I have a word?" The other doctor asked.

"Today is a testament to you, Dr Turner" sister julienne smiled.
"And to you sister, I couldn't have done it without you, everyone worked so terribly hard" he said.
"Would you join us for a celebratory cup of Horlicks?" She asked.
"I won't thank you sister. Might I see sister Bernadette in private? I have something I need to discuss with her" He asked.
"Of course" sister julienne said noticing the change in his tone, something wasn't right.

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