Guardian Angel - Expendables - Part 2 - Galgo x Reader

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My apologises for not updating for so long, I have had a rather nasty case of food poisoning and it's taken me days to start to feel better, so I hope that you will forgive me. All speech in italics is meant to be Spanish.

To say Galgo was enjoying his new persona would be an understatement. He had been hamming it up every chance he got and loving every minute of being , amazed at the reception laid on not only for himself but also the multitude of other sewer dwelling arms dealers that the president had managed to convince to come to his out of the way country.

Galgo, Christmas and Toll had been flown, as promised by Church, to President Suárez's personal airstrip two days before with all the pomp that someone might expect of an exceptionally rich criminal, with Toll posing as Victor Madden, Galgo's bodyguard, and Christmas as Laurence Troy, Galgo's business partner; and while the three men had been wined and dined for the last two days, Barney and the others had been watching from as safe a distance as possible, while doing their best to avoid the President's personal army.

Since they had arrived, Christmas had kept his eye out for the woman that he and Barney both suspected was their ever vigilant guardian angel, neither of them believing that she wouldn't be present at such a function. Especially since the chance of one of them getting hurt was considerably high.

"Well? Have you seen the Señorita yet?" Galgo asked Christmas, as all three men got ready for the grand ball that evening. Each one of them dressed in a tuxedo which appeared to have been tailored perfectly for their form.

"No. But I think that if she is going to be anywhere, then she will be at this thing tonight. The ball will be our best opportunity get rid of this tinpot crackpot and make a quick exit. The president's guard will be down as he will be doing his best to suck up to all his guests, and the chances of his personal toy soldiers all being drunk out of their skulls is probably high. So, I think that apart from a few watchful bodyguards, tonight is the night to complete the job, and get our arses out of here, and I think that our guardian angel will know that." Christmas explained, as he placed in the last cufflink on his shirt cuff.

"What are we looking for? I mean, you say that it is a lady, but there are a number of, er........ladies present." Galgo asked, as Toll helped him with his bowtie.

"I can't really tell ya anything more than I already have, and anything different than what ya saw on the picture, But........ well the one thing that makes Barney and me think that our angel is this Captain (Y/l/n) is the tattoo on the back of her neck. In the photo you can just about make it out, but it definitely looks like Tool's handiwork; though as he's not around, we can't ask him. All we can presume is that for some reason she is connected to Tool and somehow found her way to watching over us." Christmas expounded, still slightly confused as to why the captain hadn't already shown her face.

"So, ya telling me that all we have to go on is that damn blurry picture and a tattoo, that may or may not be visible, and may or may not be one of Tool's? Oh, this just gets better. And how do you know that she's not just hiding out like Barney and the others. She's a sniper, those guys normally prefer a long range kill." Toll pointed out. Christmas finding himself incapable of explaining properly why he believed that this time, their angel would be more up close and personal.


"Ah, Señorita (Y/l/n). It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I have heard so many wonderful things about you from your employer. So beautiful, yet so deadly." The President cooed softy, as he took her hand and kissed it gently.

"If only you could have arrived a few days sooner, I would very much have liked to have your presence light up my humble abode sooner. But maybe you could stay when all the others have left. After all we have so much to discuss." The president continued, as he looked the woman in front of him up and down. His intention obviously anything but innocent.

She knew that she owed Tool, promising to watch over the team in his absence, and until this moment it had proved easy enough to follow them; but this time she had needed help, and she had had to get her bosses involved, a fact that she hated as much as she hated currently slobbering all over her hand. But she was here, and if the Expendables needed her as much this time as they had all the others, then she would finally be able to tell Tool that her debt to him was paid in full.

"You are too kind Señor Presidente. I am sure that I will enjoy very much, the opportunity of discussing business with you in more........ intimate circumstances when all your other guests have left." (Y/n) replied, more than positive that there was no way on earth that she would be staying behind to get to know the president more intimately.


Galgo, Christmas and Toll walked down the long staircase that led from the viewing gallery of the Presidents "palace", down to the grand ballroom where all the others were gathering.

It had been the first time that the entire rogue's gallery had been all together in one place, and all three men couldn't help but wonder what Church had got them into.

It was true what Christmas had said before that the President and his own men may be otherwise distracted; but he hadn't taken into account that each one of the highly dubious characters that were assembled, would also have guards who were probably armed to the teeth.

"I better go and get a message ta the others about this. You two get down there, and for god's sake Galgo, try and keep it low key." Christmas warned, as he made his way back up the staircase to their rooms.


Galgo and Toll walked into the ball room. The huge space already filled with the chatter of what seemed like hundreds of people. The soft sound of music from the band just evident over the hum of voices.

The two men looked around, taking in the faces as best they could in the sea of bodies; but as Galgo scanned his surroundings, his eyes fell on the woman that was currently talking to the President. He couldn't help but stare. Even from a distance she looked perfect, her silk gown clinging to every dip and curve of her body. And despite himself, despite what Christmas had said about keeping everything low key, he couldn't help but be drawn to the woman, like a moth to a flame.

" Garcia. I am so glad that you have been able to attend my little get together. I trust that you and your confederates have been enjoying my hospitality?" The president asked as Galgo came up to them.

"May I introduce Señorita (Y/l/n). She is ........... well, she is a particularly important guest." Suárez cooed, as (Y/n) turned around and came face to face with an Expandable.

" Such a pleasure." Galgo said, as he took (Y/n)'s hand and gently kissed her knuckles.

(Y/n) had never seen any of the team up close and personal before. In fact, the closest she had got to seeing them was through the telescopic lens on her rifle. But as the obviously charismatic man in front of her looked up at her through his eyelashes, she knew that she was more than happy to be this close to this particular Expendable.

"Señorita. May I ask for the pleasure of your hand for the next dance?" Galgo asked, not waiting for an answer before he elegantly swung (Y/n) away from the president and onto the dancefloor. Galgo taking the woman in front of him in his arms as a new tune began to play.

"So, you are Lorenzo ?" (Y/n) asked, as Galgo dramatically led her across the floor. The Spaniard getting as close to the woman as was physically possible while still in the company of others.

"Well, all I can say is that asshole, Church, is just lucky that García was a recluse, because you look absolutely nothing like him." (Y/n) chuckled, as Galgo suddenly stopped in his tracks and spun her around in his arms, pulling her back to his chest as he slowly and carefully brushed the curls of her hair from the back of her neck. His eyes growing wide as he saw a tattoo placed discreetly just below her hairline.

"Well, Señorita. I may not look like Señor Garcia, but you certainly look like an angel to me." Galgo hummed. His lips ghosting over (Y/n)'s ear as he whispered softly. The two disappearing into the shadows as the rest of the guests continued to dance. 

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