Twin? - Part 1 - Thor x Loki x Reader

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I know I'm starting yet another imagine, but I get these ideas and I just have to write them. So, I hope that you will forgive me, and that you will enjoy the beginning of this one.

"That's not possible." Thor said, as he looked at the woman in the room on the other side of the two way mirror. A woman that was heavily manacled and had a power limiter collar placed around her neck. An eerily familiar smile on her lips.

"I'm afraid it isn't. All of S.H.I.E.L.D's doctors have confirmed it. Even Cho and Banner have looked at the results, and they say that there is no doubt. That woman in the other room, is Loki's biological sister. His twin to be precise." Fury replied, as Thor continued to watch the woman.

"No. My father said that he only found one child. Loki. He brought him back to Asgard to be raised with me. If there had been another child, why would my father have not brought her back too? My mother always wanted a daughter." Thor reasoned. More to himself than Fury.

"Well. I don't mean to rude to dear old Odin. But let's face it, Thor. Your dad is not averse to keeping things from you." Tony chimed in. As he and the others took in the idea that they had another Loki sat in front of them. Clint in particular not liking the idea.

"As Stark so eloquently puts it. It would appear that your father kept her existence from not only you, but also Loki. As to anything else. You will have to ask him." Fury added, as the God of Thunder turned to look at him.

"How did you find her? I want to speak to her. To find out about her." Thor told the director. The god wanting to meet the woman that he could have called sister.

"Are you sure that you want to do that? I mean, she is Loki's sister. A frost giant. And we don't know what powers she possesses. Maybe you should let one of us talk to her, and you just listen." Steve tried to reason. He along with the others, slightly apprehensive that a repeat of New York may happen if the woman was allowed to go free. Or that she may be able to do something to Thor.

"The manacles and power limiter work on Loki. If they work on Loki it only makes sense that they will work on her too. I need to be the one to talk to her. Consider it a family matter." Thor replied, knowing that Steve meant well, but that this situation was too close to home for him not to deal with personally.

"What's her name?" Thor asked, as he made his way to the door.

"She will only tell us that her name is (Y/n). And we didn't find her. She found us. She just suddenly appeared in the middle of S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters demanding to speak to the Avengers. Claiming that she was the sister of Loki. Other than that, anything else you can find out will help us figure out what we need to do with her." Fury informed Thor, before the God of Thunder left the room.

"Well, this should be interesting. Let's just hope that she doesn't share all of her brother's traits." Tony said, as he and the others turned their attention back to the other side of the mirror. All of them watching as Thor entered the room.


"Hello, (Y/n)." Thor simply said as he took a seat across from her. Thor had to admit that he could see Loki in her. She had the same jet black flowing locks. The same eyes which seemed to be able to look deep into your soul. And she had the same elegant features. Yet there was a special, unnerving beauty to her that Thor couldn't help but feel drawn to.

"Hello, (Y/n)? How very Midgardian of you. I had expected something much more, hmmmmmmm.........showy from an Asgardian. But you have spent quite some time in this world. So, I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised that their habits and customs have rubbed off on you." (Y/n) chuckled as she looked over at the big man.

"You know who I am?" Thor asked. His eyes widening as (Y/n) leant across the table so that her face was in front of his.

"Of course, I know who you are. You are Thor. God of Thunder. Son of Odin. The next king of Asgard." (Y/n) announced dramatically with another chuckle. The woman sitting back in her chair and grinning at the God.

"So, you know who I am. Now, why don't you tell me who you are? What you want?" Thor asked. The god feeling that his thoughts were being invaded. His mind clouded.

"The answer to those questions is quite simple. I am (Y/n), daughter of Laufey. The twin rightful ruler of Jotunheim. An abandoned and stolen child. A frost giant. A sorceress, warrior, thief, and shapeshifter. An illusionist and telepath. And I want just one thing. I want my brother." (Y/n) declared calmly, as if it should have been completely obvious.

Thor was confused. He knew that Loki looked like he did because Odin had used sorcery to alter his appearance, and that his knowledge of sorcery had come from their mother Frigga. So, if her claims were true, Thor didn't know how this (Y/n) had acquired her similarity in powers.

"You look confused, God of Thunder. Despite this little necklace that your friends placed around my neck to try and limit my powers, I am still strong enough to see into your mind. Strong enough to do many things. You are wondering how I can possess all those abilities. How I appear as I appear. The answers once again are simple. Your father found both Loki and I when we had been abandoned. He used the same magic to alter my appearance as he did my brothers. But even though Odin knew that your mother would love both of us, he decided that having two frost giants on Asgard could be dangerous. That when we discovered the truth of our heritage, we would rise up against him. To prevent this, Odin took me to Alfheim to be raised by the light elves as daughter of the great god Freyr. I learnt to fight from my father. Learnt my magic from the elves, but also from the Vanir. In my long life I have been to many worlds, many realms. Learning all I could. I have seen the rise and fall of Midgard. I have seen the deep dark realm of Nidavellier, the home of the dwarves. And the freezing mists, snow and ice of Niflheim. I have fought battles and won wars. I have seen things that even you can only imagine. But there is one thing that I have never seen. One thing I would give everything I know, everything have, just so that I could lay eyes on him even once. I want to see my brother." (Y/n) explained. Thor now understanding why his brother's twin was quite so exquisite and gifted. He knew of the magic and beauty of the light elves. Knew of the magic and fertility of the Vanir. Her father, Freyr, himself hailing from that realm. And now Thor only had one more question.

"How do you know about Loki? How do you know about what my father did?" Thor enquired, needing to understand how (Y/n) could have known about her brother, but Loki being blissfully unaware about her existence.

"I have always known. I can see things. I know things that others don't. I have always been able to feel my brother. To sense him. To feel the empty place in my heart that can only be filled by him. Now, I have told you everything you need to know. So please. Let me see him. I beg you."  

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