The Sniper - TWD - Part 5 - Negan x Rick x Daryl x Reader

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Final part of this imagine. My apologises for the time that it has taken to finish it, but I hope that it has been worth waiting for.

The time had passed quickly, and the return of Negan and his men would come any day now; the extra supplies that they had managed to accrue during Saviour's absence would probably only just cover what Negan's men would be taking when they returned.

Rick and Daryl had been struggling to get along, with Daryl rarely speaking to Rick, and no matter how many times Rick had apologised, or tried to explain himself and the reasons for why he did what he did, Daryl stayed the same. Now though, Rick couldn't accept those reasons himself, if he had heard them from someone else, he wouldn't have accepted them either, he would feel the same way that Daryl and all the others did in Alexandria, and Rick couldn't blame them.

Life in Alexandria had seemed to change, even though everyday life was still the normal struggle, there was now a hole that couldn't be filled. It was worse than if (Y/n) had died, then they could have at least mourned her, maybe still thinking that she had gone to a better place; but this way was worse, she was still out there, and they were unable to protect her, not knowing whether she was alive or dead, or what condition she was in.

"Ya know that sick bastard will bring er with him don't ya?" Daryl's voice called out, causing Rick to bring his eyes up from the floor.

"Yeah, I know." Rick replied, moving slightly over so that Daryl could take a seat next to him.

"Do ya think we can get er back?" Daryl asked, his eyes cast out over Alexandria.

Rick shook his head. "We haven't got anything to offer him, he has what he wants, I can't see him giving her up."

"Why not? You did!" Daryl said, his eyes staring into Ricks.

Rick put his head in his hands. "I don't know what more I can say Daryl. I fucked up, I admit it, I can't change it even though I want to. Even if we did have something to offer Negan, do you really think that she would come back?" Rick asked, feeling Daryl stiffen next to him.

"She'd come back ta me yeah, maybe if she put a bullet through ya head like she said, then she would be happy ta stay. The way I feel at the moment, I might just do it for er." Daryl said, standing up, and leaving Rick sitting by himself.

"Looks like Daryl still hates you then." Carl said, coming from inside the house.

"Yep, looks like it." Rick replied, motioning for Carl to come and sit next to him.

"What about you?"

Carl sat there for a moment, seemingly thinking about the best way to answer his father.

"I don't agree with what you did dad, but I don't hate you, I'm just disappointed." Carl told him, before standing back up and walking off into Alexandria.

Disappointed. That was worse than being hated, but no one was more disappointed in him than Rick was himself. If (Y/n) did come with Negan when he came back, he would do all he could to make up for what he did.


Daryl sat, cleaning his crossbow, fuming at Rick. After all this time his anger hadn't lessened, he still missed (Y/n) and would do anything to get her back. In his darkest hours he had come up with the idea of going to the Sanctuary, breaking in, killing Negan, and bringing (Y/n) back where she belonged; but when the new morning sun rose, he knew that it was just a pipedream.

He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Negan would bring (Y/n) with him to taunt them, to show off his prize, and Daryl just hoped that he could steal her away, even for a few moments so that he could tell her how he felt; even if she couldn't come back to Alexandria, even if she wouldn't come back, he needed to tell her that he loved her.

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