I love you. Dumbass! - Part 1 - The Expendables - Gunnar x Reader

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Ok, so this is the first part of an imagine for _Rhapsody_ . Hope you all enjoy

Gunnar looked down at the naked woman that rested happy in his arms. Not for one moment would he have thought earlier that day, that he and (Y/n) would have ended up like this. Though he did have to admit that he had always wanted it to.

Earlier that day, (Y/n) and the boys had let out a collective groan as they sat down to another one of Barney's impromptu meetings. It was the one time that all of them felt like they were back in the forces, and Barney was the drill sergeant barking out orders like they were wet behind the ear's newbies.

In truth it was never about anything serious, more just debriefing about their last mission. Caesar getting a chance to complain about how he didn't like Gunnar taking his guns, and Christmas and Doc comparing knife sizes. Other than that, it normally was pretty laid back. But today had been different. The last mission had gone badly, a mixture of bad intel, and everything that could possibly go wrong, going wrong. And as a result, both Galgo and (Y/n) had been injured when the pair had been cut off from the others. A blast from a grenade sending shrapnel flying at the duo, as they did their best to hunker down.

Gunnar in particular had been frantic about getting to the pair, especially when Galgo had finally been able to reach the others over the comms, informing the rest of the team of their location, and about his and (Y/n)'s injuries.

From the moment the big Swede had set eyes on the beautiful weapons expert, he had begun to believe that there could really be love. That love at first sight was possible. And that he had just been hit by Cupid's arrow. Gunnar had never been shy around women. In fact, he was probably the worst flirt ever, but around (Y/n) he found he was a different man. He had told her of his past addictions. Told her of all his issues. And despite everything, she still seemed to like him. And it pushed him to hope for more.

Once he had heard that (Y/n) was injured, images of losing her had flashed through Gunnar's mind. Images of lost possibilities, and unspoken words. Of romantic nights under the stars, and sweat soaked sheets as their bodies joined. All things that might never happen. The mere thought of never knowing if she could love him back, pushing Gunnar to race through the bullets and explosions to get to where (Y/n) and Galgo were waiting.

Despite her annoyance, Gunnar had insisted on carrying her back to the others. Galgo desperately trying to keep up as the big man bound through the chaos. Shouting for Doc to come and care for the only female in the team.

Once they had got back to the States, (Y/n) and Galgo had been fixed up and were now talking as Barney came to the end of his debriefing.

"(Y/n) can I talk to you?" Barney asked, as he came up behind her. The team leader gently taking her by the arm and leading her away from the others.

"I need you ta go ta Gunnar's place for me. We ain't seen him since we got back. He isn't answering his phone, and I when me and Christmas went to his place, he wouldn't even answer tha door. I'm worried about him, (Y/n). I don't want him going backwards. So I need you ta check on him." Barney explained, as he looked at (Y/n)'s worried face.

(Y/n) had never admitted it to anyone, but she liked Gunnar. In fact, she more than liked Gunnar. And despite her grumbling when he had insisted on picking her up and carrying her like a damsel in distress back to the others, she sort of liked it. There was something about being wrapped in the big man's arms that made her feel safe. Made her feel protected. And hearing that the big man hadn't answered his phone, or his door, now had (Y/n) as worried as Barney was.

"I'll go. But what makes you think that he'll answer the door to me, if he wouldn't answer it for you?" (Y/n) asked. Barney shaking his head and chuckling softly as he looked at the woman in front of him.

"Because he's in love with you. He's just too dumb ta tell you. God knows why. He's never been backwards at coming forwards before. But if he's gonna let anyone in, it'll be you. And no matter how hard you try ta hide it, we've all seen how you look at him too. So go and check on tha big guy." Barney replied, looking over at Christmas as (Y/n) jumped to her feet. The two friends laughing as she quickly rushed out of the hangar.


(Y/n) stood outside the door to Gunnar's apartment, her hand hovering over the ingress. She couldn't help but feel completely ridiculous. She was normally so confident. Normally she could handle anything. But as she stood there, it was like she was back at high school. That she was the nerdy girl again, wanting to ask out the quarterback.

"(Y/n). Will you stop being so ridiculous. It's just Gunnar. So what if he loves you. So what if you love him. You are here to make sure that he's ok. The rest we can deal with another time. But we aren't going to get anywhere unless you stop being stupid, and just knock." (Y/n) told herself, before taking a deep breath and banging on the door.

(Y/n) waited, putting her ear to the door as she listened for movement on the other side. Banging again as she heard a small noise.

"Go away!" A gruff voice called out. Gunnar obviously not interested in seeing anyone.

(Y/n) banged again. And waited for the door to open.

"I said, GO AWAY!" Gunnar yelled. (Y/n) shaking her head, and crossing her arms over her chest, feeling like she was about to try and negotiate with a child that was having a tantrum.

"I have absolutely no intention of going away. So, you better get your ass to this door, Gunnar Jensen, or you won't have a door left." (Y/n) shouted back, a small smile coming to her lips as the door began to slowly open. The face of the big man appearing from the darkness of the apartment.

"Well? I've come all this way to check on you. The polite thing to do is to at least invite me in." (Y/n) said, as she looked at the big man.

"What do you mean, you've come to check on me?" Gunnar asked, as he pushed his fingers through his hair, trying to make it look neater.

"What does it usually mean, ya big goof. Barney told me that you've not answered your phone. He said that you wouldn't answer your door when he and Christmas called. He's worried about you, and I'm worried about you. That's what happens when you love someone. You tend to worry about that person. And then when you find out that the big Swedish meatball that you love, is too scared to tell you that he loves you too, it makes you worry even more. Now, are you going to let me in or not?" (Y/n) explained, as Gunnar opened the door fully, staring at her in disbelief as she casually walked in and dropped on his sofa.

"You.......you love me?" Gunnar asked, as he took a seat next to her. (Y/n) reaching up her hand and brushing his unruly blonde hair away from his eyes.

"Well, derrrrr! For someone so clever, you can really be a dumbass. I love you Gunnar. And I'm worried about you. What's going on? Why weren't you at the meeting?" (Y/n) asked him, as Gunnar got to his feet and began to pace the room.

"It was my fault you got cut off from tha rest of us. It was my fault you got injured. You could have died, (Y/n). And it would have all been because of me. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you. I didn't feel like I could face you." Gunnar confessed. Stopping dead in his tracks as (Y/n) began to laugh.

"Boy, you really are dumb." (Y/n) began, as she got to her feet, and stood right in front of the blonde. Her arms snaking around his neck as she looked up into his eyes.

"Firstly, yes, Galgo and I getting cut off, may have had something to do with you going nuts with that grenade launcher. But it wasn't your fault that I got injured. It could have happened to any of us. Injury is an occupational hazard. You know that. And I am more than capable of looking after myself. I'm a big girl if you haven't noticed." (Y/n) continued. Smiling as Gunnar wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

"Oh, I've noticed sweetheart. Believe me. I've noticed." Gunnar grinned, as his eyes dropped to (Y/n)'s cleavage.

"Well. If you've noticed. Why don't you show me, how much you've noticed? God knows, I've waited too long for you to tell me that you liked me more than just as another part of the team." (Y/n) told him, squealing as Gunnar lifted her high into the air, and almost ran for the bedroom. (Y/n) finally knowing that the big dumbass loved her, just as much as she loved him. 

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