Guardian Angel - Expendables - Galgo x Reader

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I know I have a couple of two part imagines on the go, but I couldn't resist putting this one up too. I thought that I would make this one for Galgo (his inclusion will mostly be in part two), as I must admit that I have a slight soft spot for Antonio Banderas. I hope you enjoy 😄

A shot rang out splitting the air like a clap of thunder, the team spinning around to see that a man that had been bearing down on Gunnar without anyone noticing, was now laying dead on the ground with an extra hole set firmly between his eyes.

"Jesus Christ! Looks like our guardian angel is watching over us again." Christmas called out, as he and the rest of the team took out what was left of the mercenaries that were barrelling towards them.

This was not the first time that one of the boys had been saved while on a mission. The first time it had happened, the mystery shot had saved Barney in a firefight in Myanmar. The next time it was Christmas, a single shot ringing out across what was left of a tumbled down ghost town in Chechnya. Then it had been Galgo's turn, a lone bullet from a high powered sniper rifle cutting down a member of a drug cartel in Columbia. Now it was Gunnar's turn, the big Swede not caring where the shot had come from, or who the shooter was, all that mattered was that the shot hadn't been aimed at him.


"Who tha hell do ya think it is?" Caesar asked no one in particular, as he sat in the back of the plane with the team, as Barney piloted them back home.

"I don't know. Some of the shots they've taken require real skill, and there are only so many people that could actually dream of pulling them off." Christmas explained, as he left the cockpit and joined the others.

"There's also the fact that they actually seem to be conveniently popping up wherever we go; but whoever it is, as long as they ain't shooting at us, I really don't care." Christmas told the others, the rest of the team agreeing, as they all settled down for the long flight back to the States.


Barney looked up as a pile of pictures was dropped onto his desk, the big man rolling his eyes as he saw the smug grin of Church.

"What tha hell are you doin here? What are these?" Barney huffed, not sure how much longer he could continue to put up with the conceited CIA agent.

"Is that anyway to talk to someone that is doing you a favour? And these, Bamm- Bamm, are the information you asked for." Church told Barney, as he perched himself on the corner of the table.

"You asked if I knew a sniper that could make some of the shots that you have described, and these are your most likely candidates." Church explained, as he tapped his finger on the photos.

Barney sighed as Church picked up the pictures, sure that this "help" from Church was going to cost him.

"As far as I can see, you have six potential suspects. First, we have the Russian, Captain Yuri Platenko of the Special Operations Forces. He has 197 confirmed kills, but from information we have received, the captain could be dead, although that's not confirmed. Next, you have the Norwegian, Lieutenant Eirik Larsen of the Haerens Jegerkommando. He has 184 confirmed kills and is still listed as active. Then you have Petty Officer Nathan Price of the Navy Seals. 160 confirmed kills and currently serving onboard the USS Bainbridge. Fourth is the Brit, Sargent Daniel Stone of the SAS. 173 confirmed kills, currently his whereabouts are unknown. Then we have the Aussie, Troy Banner of the SASR. 159 confirmed kills, and as far as we can ascertain is currently sunning himself on some beach back home." Church explained, handing Barney the relevant photo's as he went through each man's credentials.

"So, who's the sixth? You said there six potentials." Barney asked, as he looked between Church and the photo in his hand.

"Oh, Bamm- Bamm, the sixth candidate is something a little special. This is Captain (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n), also known as 'The Angel'." Church chuckled, as he passed the picture to Barney, the photo only showing the back of a female.

"Well, that's helpful." Barney said sarcastically, as he stared at the seemingly useless picture.

"That, I am afraid, is the best picture that we currently have of the good captain. What we do know is that she is British, she is ex-SAS, and has over 200 confirmed kills. She is one of the best that the Brits have ever produced. It seems that when the captain left the service, she was recruited by another branch of British Intelligence, we are are thinking MI6, and she has been working undercover ever since she joined. Now to be brutally honest, Bamm- Bamm, why any of these guys would chose to follow you and the little rascals around, picking off any piece of scum that got too close, I don't know. As far as I can determine not a single one of these guys has any connection to you or the rest of your team." Church informed Barney, as the big man continued to look through the pictures.

"Now. Now that I have done a favour for you Bamm – Bamm, I think that its only fair that you return that favour. I have a little party that I need you and the others to attend, just a formal little gathering, nothing too much. You see, the self-proclaimed El Presidente of some tinpot dictatorship in a shit hole called São Rico, is getting a little to big for his boots, and the powers that be, well lets just say they don't like the notion of this guy getting ideas above his station. So, I want you, and the little rascals, to take care of the problem for us. In five days' time, Presidente Fernando Suárez has organised a grand ball for a few of the worst international arms dealers and a few select, ladies, I'll call them for the sake of being polite. I need that Spaniard of yours, Galgo isn't it, to attend the function. He will be posing as Lorenzo García, a quite infamous, yet reclusive gentleman, whose grubby little reach extends across most of Europe and South America. Señor Garcia was shot dead a few weeks ago by one of our operatives, but we would still like for him to attend this party. He is allowed two guests, I'll leave it up to you to decide which of the others goes in with him, I have all the cover stories with me. I want you to infiltrate the Presidents residence, and when the chance presents itself, I want him to die of a real bad case of lead poisoning. I have organised for Galgo and the two others to be taken to São Rico with all the pomp and ceremony that a arms dealer would enjoy. The rest of your team will have to get there by other means. Once the job is done, its up to you to get your asses out." Church informed Barney, as he got up from the side of the desk.

"Oh, and just to let you know. El Presidente Suárez has a nice little private army at his disposal, so don't think that it's gonna be easy. I want all of you ready to leave in three days' time. Galgo and the others have to arrive early and make a good impression before the grand ball on the main night." Church continued, ignoring the exasperated look on Barney's face.

"Three days, Bamm – Bamm. Oh, and you can keep the pictures." Church chuckled, throwing the files with the cover stories inside onto the desk, before turning and leaving the hangar.


Christmas looked at the picture that Barney had showed him, examining each one closely.

"I can't say that I have ever seen any of these guys, I heard of a couple of them; but none of them look familiar." Christmas said with a sigh, as he put the pictures back on the table.

'What about this one?" Barney asked, as he showed Christmas the picture of the only female of the group.

"How tha hell am I supposed to know if I've seen this one?" Christmas chuckled, as he looked at the seemingly useless photo.

"Woah! Hang on." Christmas exclaimed, as he looked at the picture a little closer.

"Look at this? Doesn't that look familiar to you?" Christmas asked, pointing to what looked like a birthmark that was just visible above the woman's shirt collar.

"I think that we've just found our guardian angel." Barney smiled, suddenly understanding why the woman might just be helping them.

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