The Devil's Own - Part 1 - Jack Sparrow x Reader

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There was a shout from the crow's nest. "CAPTAIN! SHIP ON THE STARBOARD BOW!"

The captain pulled out his telescope and looked to where the man high above the deck was pointing. After a few moments the captain dropped the glass to his side, his skin drained of colour and small droplet of perspiration formed on his brow. The crew grew quiet as they looked at their captain.

"We're dead! It's the Devils Own!" The captain stumbled forward; his words were quiet as the idea of the inevitable outcome sank into his soul. Members of the crew close to the captain heard his words and panic ensued as the crew ran around the deck searching for places to hide or a way to escape.

The fear of the crew was warranted; the ship, The Devil's Own, had earned its reputation as being the fastest ship on the seven seas. It was a ship like no other, and its huge size deceived those that lay their eyes on it, as it cut its way through the water as if it was nothing more than air. And its captain was said to be the most blood thirsty buccaneer to sail the Caribbean. Said to be able to use magic to control the waters, their reputation for taking no prisoners was well know, only one lucky man would be left alive to tell their tale to others, and all bore a brand mark seared into their arm by the captain themselves. The crew would be killed, the ship would be stripped of anything valuable or useful and then it would be scuppered, sending it to Davey Jones' locker.

The captain plucked up the courage to take another look through his telescope and he watched as the flag of the ship was raised; a black skull with devil's horns and two crossed pitchforks set against a blood red background fluttered in the wind. His eyes moved to the deck as he saw a figure make movements with their hands causing a black glowing mist to surround them. The captain gasped, his ship began to shake violently in the water, as the sea around it began to churn and foam as the vessel came to a dramatic stop sitting motionless in the water despite the wind blowing through the sails.

Men fell to their knees to pray to any god listening, while others tried to throw themselves overboard, only to find they couldn't as the ship seemed to be surrounded by an invisible field that prevented them from leaving the stricken vessel, denying them any possible salvation.

The eyes of the crew grew wide as the hauntingly beautiful ship that held their fate bore down on them at great speed. Within moments The Devil's Own pulled up alongside its victim.

The crew's hearts sank as an eerily beautiful voice was heard drifting through the wind.

"Mister Christian. Give the order if you will."


With the order, planks were placed between the two ships. A roar went out and the ship was rushed. Men came streaming over the planks and others swung between the ships landing heavily on the deck. The crew of the stricken vessel cowered as they looked at the men that now stalked their ship, men of every creed and every colour stood with their swords and muskets drawn.

"CAPTAIN BOARDING." A broad English voice shouted out, and the crew of the Devil's Own stood up straight and turned to watch as two figures came across one of the planks between the ships. The first figure was a large man with long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, his eyes were the deepest blue and his muscular frame was elegantly draped in a white cotton shirt and black breeches. He stood down on the deck and held out his hand for the figure behind him to take. The figure was smaller but still looked strongly built, dressed completely in black with a large hood covering their head. As they stepped down onto the deck, the dark figure removed their hood to reveal a woman.

Her skin was tanned but not harshly so, and her features elegant and youthful. As the men of the stricken crew looked at her, they saw how truly beautiful she was; how could a creature that looked so perfect be the most feared pirate on the seven seas? Her hair flowed down her back, kissing her face, neck and shoulders as the wind gently blew through it, it was the colour of the sea, blues and greens of the softest and darkest hues, perfectly complementing her breathtaking green eyes.

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