Two of a kind - Part 4 - Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Reader

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(Y/n) smiled as Logan opened the door for her. The pair making their way over to the bar. The two of them pulling up a stool as Logan ordered them both a beer.

(Y/n) had to admit that it wasn't necessarily what you'd call a fancy place. It was a little rough around the edges, a little dark and gloomy, with an old jukebox and a couple of pool tables in the back, and the game showing on a TV over the bar. But to (Y/n), there seemed to be a comfortable relaxed feeling to the place. And it seemed to suit Logan down to the ground.

"This ok, sweetheart?" Logan asked, as he handed her the bottle. (Y/n) nodding happily as she took a gulp of the chilled beer.

She hadn't been out of the school since she had agreed to stay. And going from the dark dangerous freedom of the streets, to the clean safe, yet restrictive surrounds of the school, had made (Y/n) feel as though she was a little bit like a prisoner. So, to now be out of the academic confines enabled her to let out a heavy relieved sigh that she had no idea she had been holding on to. Plus being out with someone like Logan, helped (Y/n) to think that if her so called "buyer" was still looking out for her, they wouldn't be likely to come for her if the feral was by her side.

"Yeah. Its fine. It's weird, but I feel like I've been in places like this before." (Y/n) chuckled, as Logan gave her a rare, fond smile. The big man chinking his bottle against (Y/n)'s, as the two began to talk. The feral pulling out one of his cigars from his pocket and lighting it.

"Ya know. I know its hard not being able ta remember who, and what you are. Ta not be able at remember what you can do, or why these things happened ta you. But one way or another, whether it's with the help of the Professor and the others, or somethin else. I think that you'll eventually remember. Like the idiot says, there must be a reason those guys chose you to go through that mutation process." Logan told her. (Y/n) nodding as she thought about what Logan had previously revealed about his own past.

"Yeah. It'll either be Charles, or Wade will stuck one of his damn katanas in my head, and suddenly everything will make sense." (Y/n) joked. Logan rolling his eyes at the mention of the mercenary mutant.

"Yeah, well. I don't necessarily agree that that lunatic is tha best thing for ya." Logan grumbled, as he puffed on his cigar. Drinking down the entire contents of his bottle in one go.

"Logan. Wade isn't as bad as you think. Ok, he is a little different. But underneath that seemingly constant manic state, he has a pretty good heart. And despite his relentless, unsubtle, and downright cringeworthy innuendos. I actually think that he's quite sweet, and I like the time I spend with him. I admit that he can drive me nuts even when he's trying to be on his best behaviour. But he makes me laugh. Most of the time its at him, rather than with him. But that's Wade. And I don't think that I'd change him for the world." (Y/n) confessed. Feeling a little strange about admitting that she actually didn't think that Wade was the worst guy in the world.

"Ya sweet on the asshole." Logan announced rather too loudly. The other patrons turning to look at the pair as (Y/n) coughed uncomfortably.

"I'm not sweet on the man child at all. It's just.......well I just think that I can see a side of Wade that others can't. Maybe it's because we went through the same experience. Maybe it's because we are more alike than I would actually care to admit. I don't know. All I'm saying is, Wade is ok. But don't tell him I said that because he'll push the "were twins" thing, and the next thing I know I'll be wearing that damn spandex just like him." (Y/n) joked, despite having a strange feeling that Logan may be right.

Before Logan could say anything in reply, a cold draft hit the pair as the door to the bar opened. Three rather unpleasant men walking in. The trio taking a seat at one of the booths and talking quietly as the waitress moved over to take their orders.

"Logan." (Y/n) said quietly. As she and the feral mutant faced forward. Their eyes focused on the reflection of the three men in the mirror in front of them.

"Yeah, I know sweetheart. I think that I should take ya home." Logan replied. Not liking the way that the three unsavoury characters were periodically looking over to where he and (Y/n) sat. The big mutant rising from his seat and helping (Y/n) on with her jacket. The two of them slowly, and discreetly, making their way back out into the cool night.

"So, they aren't friends of yours then?" (Y/n) enquired, as she took a seat on the back of Logan's bike. Logan kicking the old motorcycle into life.

"Believe me. If I had any friends that ugly, I think that I'd remember." Logan replied. The feral putting the bike in gear, and slowly pulling away.

Without warning, (Y/n) found herself flying through the air as Logan slammed on the brakes. (Y/n) landing on her back as she gasped for air. The new mutant suddenly hoisted from the floor by a number of number of men, whose face were covered in masks.

"We're takin this one. But be careful. Tha boss said that she's dangerous. Ya can do what ya like ta tha other one. Just dispose of him." One of the men called out as he walked up to (Y/n) and took her chin firmly in his hand.

"Well, hello there beautiful. Where have you been hiding? The boss will be happy ta see ya. You cost him a lot of money, and tha boss doesn't like losing his investments. Take her away." The man hissed. (Y/n) struggling against the grip of the men as she tried to turn to look at Logan who was currently fighting against the onslaught of black clad assailants.

Suddenly (Y/n) was dropped to the floor. Two mask covered heads falling in front of her as a familiar black and red blur appeared as if from nowhere. Without thinking (Y/n) grabbed for one of the dead men's guns and an extra clip, as she jumped to her feet and rushed into the fray, firing off a volley of bullets at the men that were surrounding Wade and Logan. Each projectile finding its target. The gun being handled with expert precision. (Y/n) replacing the clip as if on gut instinct, when the last bullet was fired.

"WADE! SWORD!" (Y/n) shouted out above the chaos. Wade throwing one of the katana in (Y/n)'s direction. The female mutant catching it, before beginning to slice at the assailants with the blade in one hand and firing off the gun with the other. Wade unable to stop staring as (Y/n) cut a sway through the attackers, until there was no one left standing but himself, Logan and (Y/n). (Y/n) shocked as she suddenly realised what she had done. The sword and gun falling to the ground as she looked at the carnage around her.

"Wow! Now that was hot. And I don't know about you Wolvie. But I'm hornier than ever." Wade chuckled, as he skipped over to a shaky (Y/n) and placed his arm around her shoulder.

"I don't know how you did that (Y/n), but I think that I'm gonna have to take some lessons from you. Cos that was amazing." Wade cooed. (Y/n) finally looking up at him and realising that he must have followed her and Logan all night.

"Ow! Hey! What was that for?" Wade moaned. Rubbing the spot on his arm where (Y/n) had just punched him. (Y/n) crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at the mercenary.

"You Wade Wilson are in so much trouble." (Y/n) told him, as Logan came up behind her. The two of them waiting for a semi reasonable answer as to why he was there. 

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