I am never gonna hear the last of this - Part 2- Christmas x Reader

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I would like to say thank you to yoongibbyy who asked if I would do a second part to this imagine. I hope this is ok 😄

Christmas couldn't help but stare at the cockpit as (Y/n) and Trench spoke quietly, growing wide eyed as the big man took her hand and gripped it in his tightly, as (Y/n) smiled fondly at him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Barney said, as Christmas went to stand up only to find himself pulled back into his seat.

"That's my wife, have you seen what he's doing? Why the hell is she letting him do that anyway?" Christmas said, grinding his teeth as his jaw began to clench.

Barney grabbed his friend's shoulder. "This is (Y/n) we are talking about, this isn't Lacy; whatever is going on you can trust her. Whatever it is, I'm sure that she will explain the whole thing as soon as she can." Barney said, trying to reassure his friend as best he could.

The other's stared at Barney, and then at Christmas as he dropped his head into his hands; they all knew that Christmas was as tough as they came, he was ex- SAS for gods sake, but he also wore his heart on his sleeve, and sometimes that got him hurt. After what had happened with Lacy, Christmas had more or less given up on finding love, sure he had had a few dates with a couple of girls since her, but it wasn't until (Y/n) had become part of the team, that Christmas had found himself opening up his heart again, finding himself falling in love with the mysterious new recruit, and eventually asking her to marry him.

The two had been together for a while now, and everything had been perfect, and for once in a very long time, Christmas had found himself happy, and properly settled for the first time in his life, no longer having to pretend that he was something he wasn't.

Christmas sighed and looked up, watching as his wife laughed with Trench; his mind couldn't help but race a million miles an hour. Was she cheating on him? Was she going to leave him? Didn't she love him? Christmas shook his head, trying to force the negative thoughts from his mind; Barney was right, this was (Y/n) and he could trust her.

He stared at (Y/n)'s beautiful face, as she took over the controls of the helicopter from Trench, flying the craft as though it was second nature. Her abilities had always surprised Christmas and the team, she always kept her past pretty quiet, but so did the rest of them; it was an unspoken rule that no one asked about what you did before, all that mattered was what you did as an Expendable, and that you were loyal to the team.

They had discovered, thanks to Tool, that she had been the only woman that had ever been accepted into the Delta Force; highly skilled and trained, she was an expert in counterterrorism, weapons, and hand to hand combat, she could speak several different languages and could fly anything that had wings or blades; but other than that, her old personal life had been, and remained, a mystery.

"Ok guys, ETA 5 minutes." (Y/n) shouted out to the occupants of the back of the chopper. The boys grabbing their gear as the bucket of bolts that Barney laughingly called a plane came into view.

Caesar and Toll grabbed hold of the diplomat, holding him securely, as (Y/n) bought the large machine gently to rest, the boys jumping out as she and Trench flicked the switches, bringing the helicopter to a standstill.

Barney groaned as he saw Church standing next to the plane, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Well I would say good job Bamm- Bamm, but I think we all know who I really have to thank around here." The CIA agent said, looking over at the chopper where Trench was helping (Y/n) down.

"Whose bright idea was it to leave her behind?" Church asked, his eyes falling on Christmas, whose fists and jaw were clenching as he watched Trench pull (Y/n) into an embrace.

"May I suggest that next time I give you a job, you don't let the jealous husband decide who should be included in the team. Oh, and I'd keep that dog on a leash before he does something he regrets." Church chuckled, motioning towards Christmas who was just about to reach up and pull out a knife, as Trench kissed (Y/n) on the forehead.

The Barney ignored Church, simply handing over the diplomat and turning to watch the scene unfolding next to the chopper. It was obvious that there was something between Trench and (Y/n), and it was obvious that Christmas couldn't wait any longer to get his answers; if he was going to have his heart broken again, he wanted it done quickly, not long and drawn out.

"Ok, what the fuck is goin on? Are you leavin me for him? What the hell are you thinkin about doing all of this in front of me? Don't ya love me?" Christmas yelled, as he stormed up to (Y/n) and Trench, (Y/n)'s eyebrows furrowing with confusion as her husband began to shake with rage.

"What are you talking about baby?" (Y/n) asked innocently, as Christmas moved closer, only to find the large frame of Trench preventing him from getting any nearer to (Y/n).

"Don't give me that innocent crap. You and Trench have been kissin and huggin since we got on the chopper; if you are leaving me just let me know now." Christmas shouted, watching as (Y/n) let out a heavy sigh as she massaged her temples.

"Honey, I am not cheating on you, I am not leaving you, and I love you more than you know; I have someone for you to meet, in fact I have someone for you all to meet." (Y/n) said, stepping out from behind Trench, and taking Christmas' hands.

"I know I should have told you all a while ago, but something always seemed to get in the way, or there would be another mission, and it would get put on a back burner; but I suppose now is a good a time as any to introduce you all. Christmas, boys, I would like to introduce you all to my father, Trench Mauser." (Y/n) said sheepishly, as Trench pulled his daughter to his side, his arm around her shoulder as he chewed on his large cigar.

The team stood there, staring at the two in front of them. "B-b-but your last name wasn't Mauser." Christmas finally managed to say, as he and the rest of the team began to comprehend what they had just been told.

"No, dad thought it would keep us both safer if my mom and I used her last name. I know I should have told you before baby, but really you have nothing to worry about." (Y/n) said, throwing herself into Christmas' arms, and holding him tight.

"He does have something to worry about." Trench said from behind the pair.

"He has to worry about the fact that I'm his father in law, and if he ever hurts my little girl, he'll have me to answer to." Trench told Christmas, looking over the top of his sunglasses at the still slightly bemused Christmas.

"So you're not leaving me, and he's your dad?" Christmas asked, causing (Y/n) to laugh as she placed a kiss to his lips.

"I know that it's a lot to take in baby, but no, I'm not leaving you; and yes, Trench is my father." (Y/n) told him, smiling as all the information finally clicked in Christmas' emotional mind.

"Oh (Y/n) you are never gonna hear the last of this." Christmas chuckled, as he pulled his wife into his arms, the rest of the team laughing as their resident Romeo and Juliet embraced.

Christmas smiled even as he looked at Trench, (Y/n) might one day let him live down that he didn't bring her on this mission; but he knew he was never gonna hear the last of this from his father in law.

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