Heart of the Gods- Thor x Loki x Reader

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Warnings: None

Just nice and fluffy, all lovey dovey, and it's Thor and Loki because I can 😊

"I HAVE FOUND HER!" Thor bellowed as he stampeded into the common room scaring the assembled Avengers, Fury walking in behind him with an uncharacteristic smirk on his face.

"Who her, Beach Boy?" Tony asked as he cleaned the whisky up that he had just spat out thanks to Thor.

Thor's smile was huge. "Our only real weapon against Loki."

The team sat bolt upright; Loki was still at Stark Tower as part of his punishment for what had happened in New York; even though he had improved a little, he was still sullen, moody, cold and downright difficult to deal with. He took great delight in making every one of the Avengers lives as difficult as possible.

"So, who is this weapon?" Steve was more interested than most as Loki seemed to take a special interest in upsetting him in particular.

Thor closed his eyes and sighed happily. "Her name is (Y/n), and she is our wife." The team looked at each other wide eyed.

"You and Loki have the same wife?" Wanda's eyebrows furrowed as she looked strangely at the god of thunder.

Thor grinned. "I know it is unusual on Midgard for someone to have two spouses and it is even a rarity on Asgard, but our relationship is truly unique. You see (Y/n) like Loki was taken by my father from her home world when she was an infant and brought to Asgard where she was raised with us."

"So, is she like you or reindeer games?" Tony asked intrigued by the thought of a single woman that could handle both of the very different gods.

"She's like neither of us, but like both of us! (Y/n), is the goddess of the magical arts and sexual love, but she is also a fire demon. She was born in the realm of Muspelheim, the land of fire, she is more powerful than Loki and controls the element of fire, she can also take my lightening and bend it to her will, she is truly magnificent."

The Avenger's had never seen Thor so happy; he was like a child that had received everything that he ever wanted for Christmas.

"So, what do you mean you found her? Was she lost?" Clint asked, a little unsure if he wanted a goddess that was more powerful than Loki around, especially as he still hadn't forgiven Loki for the whole mind control incident.

"When Odin found out about our relationship he banished (Y/n). He said that she had seduced both of us and would use us against him. Nothing could be further from the truth though, Loki and I loved her from the moment we laid eyes on her, even as an infant she was gifted. Odin and (Y/n) never saw eye to eye that's why it was so easy for him to banish her. She was headstrong, intelligent, had a quick temper and she would question everything Odin said; their arguments would make the nine realms shake. Unlike Loki, (Y/n) always knew that she was not of Asgard. The day Odin banished her was the day he destroyed three lives. My mother never forgave him for banishing the child she saw as her daughter and the love of her son's lives. I lost all care and threw myself into every battle hoping that in one of them I would lose my life. And Loki, well...... that's when all this trouble started. Without her there he truly lost himself, she was the one real thing in his life, and he grew to hate everyone and everything especially Odin and myself." Thor shook his head and thought about how much his brother had changed.

"So why has it taken you so long to find her, and where is she?" Natasha asked as she sat next to Thor placing her hand on his shoulder.

"We all believed that father had had her killed, we tried everything we could to find her but came up with nothing. It wasn't until brother Fury here came to my assistance when I told him about her. We have found her on Helheim, it is the home of the dishonourable dead, it is the worst place that Odin could possibly have sent her. It is where those that are not worthy of Valhalla or Folkvangr are sent, it is a grim cold world where there is no joy or happiness. I fear what it may have done to her being there for so long, I just hope that she has been strong enough to remain the woman we love." Thor sank his face into his hands, while Natasha patted his back reassuringly.

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