Alfie's right hand "Man" - Peaky Blinders - Part 3 - John Shelby x Reader

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As the days turned into weeks, Richie found that despite his allegiance to Alfie, the Shelby's had begun to trust him more and more. Michael still looked at him suspiciously from time to time, but even that was growing less. Richie spent most of his days dealing with business, making sure that Alfie knew what was going on. And nights were spent at the Shelby home or at the Garrison, drinking and playing cards. The only problem was that it was getting harder and harder to keep his eyes off John. The pair getting closer the longer Richie spent in Birmingham. John really seeming to enjoy the Londoners company, and god only knew how much Richie truly enjoyed his.

The only real problem for Richie, was that he was finding himself growing jealous every time a girl got near John. And every time he had to physically stop himself from ripping said women away, instead just having to watch them faun over him, the whole scene making Richie feel sick to the pit of his stomach. Strangely though John had started to push these girls away, and whenever he did, he would look at his new friend, and smile a little.

One night at the Garrison, Richie stood at the bar with a whisky in his hand watching the bodies sway to the music.

"Not playing cards tonight Richie?" Harry asked from behind the Londoner.

"Nah, I thought I'd give em a break and let em keep some of their money." Richie laughed as he turned around to get another drink. Harry smiling as he poured the young man another whisky.

Suddenly Richie felt cold air rush past him. Alfie's representative turning to see the doors swing open and Michael sweep in with a young girl under his arm. Richie rolled his eyes, sighing as he tried to remember how many other girls he had seen John's cousin with that week.

Richie continued to stand at the bar and watched as the pair made a fuss over one another. The young woman giggling as Michael kissed her neck. But soon enough, Michael had made his way to the back room leaving the poor girl alone. Richie's eyes stayed on the young woman as he watched the drunks being drawn to her. The out of towner becoming more alert as one of them started to get a bit too close, and let his hand slipping up her leg.

"Harry, go tell Michael to get his arse out ere," Richie told the confused barman. Harry nodding, and scurrying off as he watched the tough no nonsense Richie, push his way through the crowd. Making his way over to the girl.

"Excuse me miss, but is this fucker upsetting you?" Richie asked, as the young woman looked up at him, tears starting to form, and pleading in her eyes. Her look saying more than words could, as Richie grabbed hold of the drunk's collar and pushed him violently out the doors into the street, causing the man to fall to the floor.

"Do ya know whose girl you were messing with in there ya stupid fuck? That is Michael Gray's lass." Richie informed the drunk, as he stood over the man, and kicked him in the stomach.

"You ever come back ere and be disrespectful to another lady, and I swear to fuckin god they'll never find ya body, you understand me?" Richie growled. The drunk nodding frantically as the Londoner grabbed him by the collar, and punch him in the face twice, causing his nose to break. The man's blood spilling on to Richie's hand.

"NOW FUCK OFF!" Richie yelled, as the drunk rose unsteadily, and ran off into the night as best he could.

Richie pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and wipe off the blood, not knowing that a crowd had formed behind him. As he turned, he saw the faces of the Shelby boys all grinning at him. Richie's eyes finally falling on Michael.

"Next time ya bring a girl ere, you make sure ya fuckin look after er." Richie hissed, as he pushed passed Michael, and made his way over to the girl.

"I'm sorry you had to see that miss, I hope he didn't hurt ya. My name's Richie by the way." Richie said apologetically, as he held out his hand out for her to take.

"Thank you, Richie, I'm fine really." The girl replied in an embarrassed whisper.

"Always the knight in shining armour Richie, always rescuing the damsel in distress." Ada said, as the young man made his back into the Garrison. Her hand resting delicately on his arm.

"I'm no knight Ada, don't be fooled by my appearance." Richie replied, giving her a small smile before pushing back through the Garrison's doors.


The weeks had turned into months, and Alfie was proving to be more than happy with what Richie was doing, asking his representative if he would stay in Birmingham longer. A request that Richie was more than happy to agree to. Tommy had taken to sending Richie out on jobs with John, and both young man had grown closer as friends as the months wore on. Tommy and Arthur taking to joking that the pair were like twins. Always side by side and finishing one another's sentences. And god help anyone that said anything about one or the other in front of them.

"Oi Johnny, its been a while since I've seen ya with a lass, ya turning into a monk or something?" Arthur laughed, looking over at his younger brother. As he, Richie, and the boys played cards one night. John glancing at Richie for a moment and then glaring at Arthur.

"I've just decided to wait for the right person that's all; is that such a bloody crime?" John spat out, as Arthur raised his hands in surrender. Richie's heart pounding in your chest, as his eyes met John's for a moment before Richie dropped them back to the cards in his hand. Arthur deciding that he should turn his attention to the unusually quiet young man by his side.

"Richie, I saw all those girls fawn over ya again in the market today; there must have been twenty of em around ya. Ya more popular than Tommy and Johnny put together." The elder Shelby chuckled, while puffing on his cigar.

"You've built up quite a reputation round ere as a prince charming; the girls never stop talkin about ya." Arthur continued, as he blew out a great plume of smoke.

Richie looked up again to see all the boys laughing except for John who was glaring at Arthur, his jaw clenched tightly. Unexpectedly John nearly jumped from his chair, knocking it onto the floor behind him; his eyes burning as he looked at him brother, and then at Richie before he stormed out of the room.

"What the fuck was that all about? I didn't say anything to him." A shocked Arthur asked, as he watched his younger brother disappear.

"I don't know, he's been acting strange for a while now. Richie, why don't you go and find out what's wrong with him?" Tommy replied. Richie nodding and making his way out of the back room. Harry gesturing in the direction that John had disappeared to, outside the pub.

"JOHN!" Richie shouted out, as he looked around for the young man.

"Come on John, where the fuck are ya?"

Suddenly, Richie found himself pushed back into a dark corner by two strong arms. The Londoner going to reach for his gun before hearing a familiar voice.

"It's alright Richie, it's just me, it's just John."

"What the bloody hell are ya doing John? Let me go!" Richie growled, trying to struggle against John's tightening grip.

"Shut the fuck up!" John hissed, as he pushed his body up hard against Richie's.

"Just fuckin listen to me alright. I don't know who the fuck ya are or what you are. But I've never felt like this about anyone before, and I can't get ya outta me mind. I ain't looked at a lass in that long I can't remember the last time I did. I'm crazy about ya, and I need to do this." John continued. His warm lips crashing into Richie's, who's eyes grew wide before he slowly melted into John's kiss. Their mouth's moving together perfectly as Richie's arms moved instinctively, wrapping themselves around John's neck pulling him closer to his body. Richie could feel John's warm hands move from around his waist to his hips. Everything becoming a blur as John held Richie close, that was until Richie felt a hand between his thighs. His eyes flying open as Riche pulled away from John. The young Londoners breath hitching in his throat as all he could see was a wide grin on John's face.

"I fuckin knew it, ya a girl!" John laughed, as Richie pushed him away and started to run. He didn't know where he was going, but he just had to get as far away as possible. In the distance Richie could hear John's voice call out.


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