Big bad wolf - Expendables - Church x Reader

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Now I know that Church isn't an Expendable, but I got this imagine in my head and had to write it down. I know that Church is OOC to what we see in the movies, but I believe that we all have different sides to our character, and that includes Church. Hope you like 😁

"(Y/n) can you hear me honey?" Church screamed through his comms as he ran from the compound, dodging the bullets that whizzed past his head.

"(Y/N) PLEASE!" He shouted, ducking behind some barrels as the chopper came to land just outside the complex's walls. He leaned out briefly, firing off round after round as a group of heavily armed men barrelled towards him.

"(Y/n), if you can here me, the transport's here, we have to leave." Church said, hoping that the woman that he so desperately wanted to see, could hear him.

"GET IN THE CHOPPER NOW!" Henderson bellowed, indicating for Church to get on board.

"But (Y/n) is still somewhere inside." Church shouted, trying to be heard above the sound of the rota blades and the gun fire.

"She knew what could happen when she signed up for the job Church, now get in or we could all die." Henderson told him, making the sign for the chopper pilot to take off.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)." Church whispered, jumping into the back of the helicopter, watching as the melee below disappeared from sight.


"(Y/n) dahlin, did you find that spanner yet?" Barney called out; his voice muffled due to his head being buried deep within the plane's right engine.

"Maybe if you kept these things in some semblance of order, I would have found it five minutes ago." (Y/n) huffed, searching through the pile of tools.

"Now where would the fun in that be?" Christmas chuckled, as he leaned out of the cockpit window.

"As soon as I find that spanner, I am going to throw it at your head, you know that don't ya Santa?" (Y/n) said, turning around to look at Christmas, who quickly ducked his head back inside.

"Oh, I put it in the office." Barney remembered, taking his head out from inside the engine, and wiping his oily hands on a cloth.

"One of these days Barney Ross." (Y/n) warned with a smile, as she made her way to Barney's office to find the offending tool.

"Come on (Y/n), ya know ya love me." Barney chuckled, watching as the younger woman walked away.

"You guys just go from one bucket of bolts to another don't you." A smooth smug voice said from behind Barney, causing Barney and Christmas to groan audibly.

"What the hell do you want? I didn't think things like you could come out until after the sun had set." Christmas said, making his way down the steps from the plane's fuselage, glaring at the smirking CIA agent.

"Now don't be like that Alfalfa, this time I have a good job for you." Church said, making himself comfortable on the stool next to the plane.

"Oh yeah? You said that about the last one." Christmas growled, as he and Barney came to stand in front of Church.

"Look Church, just get it over with, I'm busy." Barney said, not having the time or patients for Church's antics.

As Church outlined the latest job that he had decide to force on the team, (Y/n) made her way back from the office.

"Hey Barn, I couldn't find the spanner you wanted, but I found.........." (Y/n) began, only stopping when her eyes fell on a now shocked looking Church.

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