The announcement - Part 3 - Scott Lang x Tony Stark x Reader

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It had been weeks since (Y/n) had arrived at Scott's place. During that time, she found that she felt a happiness with Scott that she hadn't known in a very long time. And when Cassie had returned to her mother, (Y/n) and Scott had discovered that their bond had only grown stronger. But deep down, there was always something holding (Y/n) back. And as much as she tried to get passed it, as much as she denied it, she had a terrible feeling that even though she had physically escaped Tony, emotionally he still had a tight hold on her heart.

(Y/n) had spoken to the others on the team on a number of occasions since she had left the compound, doing her best to keep abreast of the dealings that were still going on. Most of the conversations would be with Steve or Bucky, both men seeming to refuse to acknowledge that Tony even existed while they spoke with their friend. But occasionally she had been able to speak to Bruce without the super soldier present, the doctor informing her that Tony was a changed man. That he wasn't drinking, that no women had been in the compound, and that he had tried everything he could to find her and apologise. But (Y/n) knew Tony of old. She knew that he was good at saying one thing and doing another. An expert at changing his ways until he had what he wanted. And it would take more than Bruce telling her all these things, to actually prove to (Y/n) that Anthony Stark was no longer the self-centered, arrogant, narcissistic asshole that so many people saw him as.

"(Y/n)? Is everything alright?" Scott asked softly, not wanting to shock the elemental as she looked out onto the night sky.

"I'm fine, bug. I just couldn't sleep." (Y/n) replied, as she felt Scott come up behind her. His arms wrapping tightly as she fell back against his chest.

"Cassie's teddy bear not helping?" Scott continued with a soft chuckle, as (Y/n) turned and buried her head into his shoulder.

"Not tonight. I think I just need to go on a mission. I'm sure that Steve and Bucky aren't letting Fury contact us. I know that they only want the best for me. That they want to keep Tony and me as far apart as possible, but not doing anything is driving me crazy. We both know that there is no way that there hasn't been any kind of mission since I left. I don't want anyone treating me like a fragile piece of glass, wrapping me up in cotton wool, and hiding me away just in case Tony breaks me. I am perfectly capable of dealing with that insufferable ass on a professional level, without doing anything stupid." (Y/n) huffed, feeling Scott's grip get tighter at the mention of Stark's name.

He wouldn't dare tell (Y/n), but it had been he himself, as well as the two super soldiers that had conspired to keep the elemental, and the billionaire apart. He that had persuaded Fury to not call upon either of them unless they were really needed. Scott felt terrible, he felt as though he was deceiving (Y/n) in the worst possible way. He knew it was selfish, but he hated the idea of (Y/n) being around Stark again. He hated the fact that he was an ex-criminal that had nothing to offer such a special woman. And despite the fact that he knew that (Y/n) didn't care about his record, didn't care that he didn't have the billions that Tony had, and couldn't give her anything and everything that her heart desired, he was still worried that no matter how badly Tony had treated her, one word, one enigmatic smile from the old tin can, and (Y/n) would be right back in his arms.

The weeks he and (Y/n) had had together were like nothing he had ever had before. It was like being young again, like experiencing first love again. And Scott didn't want to lose that or (Y/n) like he had lost so much before. She had helped him see the world and everything around him with fresh eyes. They had spent nights in the backyard just looking up into the starry sky, talking about anything and everything, as he watched in amazement as (Y/n) had bent the elements to her will. He had smiled to himself while she and Cassie had given him a makeover. And his heart had soared when they had spent their first night together, their sweat soaked bodies intertwined in a loving embrace as they tried to catch their breaths. Scott knowing that he couldn't let Tony Stark take that away from him.

"I don't think that either Cap or Bucky believe that you can't handle being around Stark. I think that its Tony that couldn't handle being around you." Scott began, as he moved so that he could look into (Y/n)'s eyes.

"I know that Fury will contact us when they need us, Ok? Why don't I take you back to bed, and if the bear isn't helping, you can use me to help you get to sleep?" Scott chuckled, as he brushed a few stray strands of hair back behind (Y/n)'s ear.

"Sounds good to me, bug boy. Why don't you go up, and I'll be with you in a minute?" (Y/n) replied, giving Scott a reassuring kiss. Smiling as he nodded his head and made his way up the stairs.

(Y/n) turned her attention back to the world outside the window. She still wasn't used to suburbia. Despite the neatly mowed lawns, and the well cultivated flower beds, she still felt closed in. Cocooned in what many would call the American dream.

She turned her gaze to the stairs, knowing that Scott would be waiting. But she had to get out. Get into the open world where she could be one with the elements which she controlled. And if she used those elements now, she knew that she could leave and return without Scott being any the wiser.


Tony looked at the woman next to him in the car as Happy drove back to the compound. He had only met the woman a couple of hours before in a bar that he couldn't remember the name of. And now he had every intention of sleeping with her. The billionaire doing his best to ignore Happy's disapproving stare in the rear view mirror.

Up until today he had tried to pull his life back together. Tony realising what he had done to the elemental. How he had taken the woman that had been with him in his worst times and done all he could to turn her against him. How he had hurt her beyond words. The parade of nameless women, his sick way of pushing (Y/n) away before he lost her just like he had lost Pepper.

He had tried to prove to the others, especially the soldiers, that he had changed. That they could tell him where (Y/n) was in hiding. But nothing he had done seemed to make any difference. He had quit drinking, started sleeping and eating properly, and hadn't brought a woman back to spend the night since (Y/n) had left. But now, now once again he had given up. Bruce reluctantly revealing that (Y/n) was with someone else and was safe and well. That she was happy, and that if Tony really loved her, he should let her go, and not ruin the joy she had found. The knowledge that he had pushed (Y/n) into another man's arms, and wasn't going to return to him, no matter what he did, pushing him back into his old ways.

Tony looked out of the car window as the dark world passed by, doing his best to drown out the incessant giggling of the slightly inebriated woman that clung to him like a limpet. What he wouldn't give to turn back the clock, to make things right before he had made everything wrong.

Suddenly the car swerved violently. The earth beneath them shaking, as a great blast of air almost sent the vehicle into the nearest ditch. Happy doing his best to regain control, as his passengers flew forward in the limousine.

"Sorry Mister Stark. I don't know what happened." Happy tried to explain, wondering why his billionaire employer had scrambled over to the door, and now had half of his body out of the window. Tony looking around frantically to see if he could locate the only being, he knew that could possibly create such a sudden vortex and make the earth shake.

"She's not there." Tony said quietly as he slumped back in his seat. The nameless woman moving so that she was snuggled right into him.

"But I'm here. And I'm all you need." She cooed, as she tightened her grip on the billionaire. Happy rolling his eyes as he pulled up to the compound.  

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