She's gone - X-Men - Part 2 - Young Charles x Young Erik x Reader

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"Raven." Erik called out, as he ran up behind the shapeshifter. Raven turning nervously. Having a feeling that she already knew what he wanted.

"Have you seen (Y/n)? Charles just told me that he said that she had to leave. I need to see her. She can't go. I won't let her. I don't give a damn what Charles says." Erik said angrily, as he looked at the anxious looking Raven.

(Y/n) hadn't been gone long. Not long enough for Raven to actually tell anyone that she had left. She had promised to give (Y/n) forty eight hours. Promised to give her enough time to get away. Swore that out of everyone, she would not tell Erik what had happened. But now, apparently, Charles had told him instead.

Raven knew that Erik had feelings for (Y/n). That he had never done anything about it because of her relationship with Charles. But as the telepath had begun to push (Y/n) away, Raven had watched as Erik had moved closer to the gifted mutant. Ensuring that he was always on hand when Charles had pushed her to tears. A shoulder to cry on, and an ever listening ear. Raven had tried to tell Charles that he was forcing (Y/n) into Erik's arms. That he could lose her. But Charles had done nothing but bitterly reply that he didn't care. That he hoped they would be happy together. And that she should mind her own business.

Raven was surprised that (Y/n) had left Erik. That she would seemingly, so easily, leave both of the men that she cared for. But (Y/n) had explained that she didn't want to be the thing that came between their friendship. The one that ruined the bond that the two men shared. And that sooner or later, Erik would push her away just like Charles had.

"No. Sorry. I haven't seen her anywhere. Maybe she's in the garden. You know that (Y/n) likes the smell of the grass after the rain. And you know that she wouldn't take Charles seriously." Raven replied, as she did her best to convince Erik that she hadn't watched (Y/n) leave the house just a couple of hours before.

"You're a terrible liar, Raven. Just tell me where she is. I need to know that she is alright." Erik told her. Able to see that Raven knew more than she was admitting.

"Erik. I can't. I promised (Y/n)." Raven told him, as Erik grabbed her arms, and held them tight.

"What's going on? Where is she. Where is (Y/n). Tell me." Erik growled, as he tried to look into Raven's eyes. Raven looking anywhere but at him.

"She........she left. A couple of hours ago. But I honestly don't know where she's gone." Raven said, as Erik let go of her arms, and dropped into one of the Regency wooden chairs that sat next to the window.

"Why? Why did she leave? She could have come and talked to me. She could have looked to me. I would have talked to Charles. I don't understand." Erik asked in disbelief, as he dropped his head into his hands.

"She didn't want to leave you. She didn't want to leave either of you. But she couldn't take the pain anymore. And she didn't want to be the one to drive a wedge between you and Charles. She promised that she would write as soon as she found somewhere. That she would explain everything to you and the others when she could. I'm sure that she'll come back. We just have to give her some time. She just needs to find some happiness." Raven tried to reason as she crouched down in front of Erik. The female mutant falling backwards as the bigger man got to his feet.

"She could have found happiness with me. This is all Charles' fault. If it wasn't for him, (Y/n) would still be here. Still be with me. I'm going to tell him to find her. Then I'm going to bring her back where she belongs." Erik barked as he began to storm off towards Charles' office. Determined to demand that the telepath use the newly constructed Cerebro to locate the missing mutant.

"It won't work!" Raven declared, as she picked herself up from the floor. Erik turning and glaring at her.

"What are you talking about, Raven? Cerebro was designed to help Charles find any mutant. So, he can find (Y/n)." Erik replied, furrowing his brow as Raven shook her head.

"(Y/n) said it won't work. That its one of her little talents. That she is the only one whose mind Charles can't find. Can't control." Raven continued to explain, as she brushed down her clothes.

"Then I'll just go find her myself. She's only been gone a few hours. How far could she have gone. I'm gonna find (Y/n), bring her back. And then I'll tell Charles that I love her, and I want to be with her." Erik asserted. As he once again turned. Raven grabbing hold of his wrist before he could move too far.

"Fine. You want to find her, I'll help you. I didn't want her to leave either. You can tell Charles that you love (Y/n), I don't care. Given how he's been treating her, he doesn't deserve her anyway. But we need to give her the forty eight hours that I promised her. After that, I'll search every last inch of this country to find her, with you. But just give her a couple of days. Some space to breath. She deserves it." Raven reasoned. Erik mussing for a moment as he tried to bloke out the idea that with every second that passed, the woman he loved was getting further and further away.

"Fine." Erik agreed with a defeated sigh. The magnetism manipulator pulling his arm away from Raven.

"But if anything happens to her. If she gets hurt before I can find her. I will place the blame squarely on yours, and Charles' shoulders." Erik huffed as he turned and walked off. Leaving Raven to contemplate what could happen to her friend in a world that feared and hated their kind.


(Y/n) moved uncomfortably in the Greyhound bus seat. Her eyes focused on the ever darkening world outside. She didn't know where she was going. She had just told the guy behind the counter to give her a ticket on the next bus out of town. Not really caring where she ended up. Because any place had to be better than being Charles' emotional punching bag.

She hated herself for giving up on Charles. She felt guilty for having grown to love Erik more than she should, and then leaving him too. But despite her mutations, underneath it all she was still a flawed human being, and could only take so much.

A small smile came to her lips as she thought about how she had fallen asleep in Erik's arms only a few nights before, after Charles had yet again told her that he didn't care. How he had kissed her softly on the lips and brushed her hair back behind her ear. How he had finally confessed his feelings for her. And how she had told him that she cared too. The handsome German rocking her gently in his arms, as (Y/n) savoured his touch. A touch that she craved. 

As soon as she was settled, (Y/n) had promised herself that she would tell Erik where she was. Told herself that she could maybe persuade him to join her. But (Y/n) knew Erik too well. And that life in some small town surrounded by normal human beings, was not a place for him.

"Well. Hello beautiful. What's a pretty girl like you doing all on your own?" A large, scruffy looking man cooed, as he leant over the seat in front of her and leered.

"How about a little company. I could show you a good time." The man continued with a disgusting chuckle, as he moved to sit next to her.

"You don't want to sit next to me. You want to go back to your own seat, and not disturb me again. You want to go to sleep, and not wake up until its your stop." (Y/n) replied. Never taking her gaze from the outside world.

"Yes. I don't want to sit next to you. I want to go back to my seat. I don't want to disturb you again. I just want to sleep." The man replied in a monotone voice, before turning and making his way back to his seat. A soft smile pulling at the corners of (Y/n)'s lips as she herself closed her eyes.   

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