The Devil's Own - Part 2 - Jack Sparrow x Reader

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"Tortuga, Mister Gibbs! I need rum, lots and lots of rum." Jack stated, as he made his way up to the helm, and taking hold of the wheel.


Jack sat at his table in the tavern, drinking from his tankard of rum; normally he would be with the others, drinking and gambling, enjoying the little time that he had on dry land; but this time was different, this time he felt the need to be alone with his thoughts. As he drank, his eyes fell on the commotion across the room, a large crowd of men were gathered around a table; Jack's curiosity got the better of him, and he made his way through the men until he could see who all the attention was on. There, to his surprise, sat an older man desperately gulping at the contents of his tankard.

"I tell ya lads, it was the Devil's Own; that cursed ship has been in my nightmares ever since I set foot on me first ship. That damn ship cut through the water like nothing I've ever seen. It was on us before we could do anything. I'm telling ya, our ship stopped dead in the water, even though the wind was blowing at a fair rate of knots. We were boarded so quickly we had no time to hide or arm ourselves." The old man said, shaking his head, terror showing in his eyes.

"But it was the captain that really scared us, she called herself (y/f/n) (y/l/n), that woman is evil I tell ye. Those eyes of hers are burned into me psyche; she told er men to slaughter me crew and then bring her their souls. I watched as er men killed each and every last living being, pulling their souls from their corpses. The Devil's Own is back with a vengeance, ya better all be careful lads. I lost me crew and me ship to that damn creature." The old man said, taking another gulp of his rum.

"How did ya get away then?" One of the men in the crowd asked.

"The captain asked if I'd tell the story, I said I would; she seemed to like the fact that I was the only one that didn't beg for me life." The old man shuddered.

"I think ya spinning us a yarn old man, too much rum that's what I think it is." Another man called out.

The old man became indignant. "Making it up? Ya think I'm making it up? Well am I making this up?" The old man said, as he pulled up his sleeve and showed the men a fresh brand on his arm, of a skull with large devil horns. Jack couldn't believe it, after all these years surely it couldn't be the same woman. She was older than him when he met her all those years ago. The old man must be mistaken; if the Devil's Own really was still sailing it must be a new crew, a new captain.

The few days of respite on Tortuga, as the crew replenished supplies aboard the Pearl didn't give Jack any of its normal pleasures; normally the rum, and the woman would flow freely, and he would take advantage of everything that the pirate port had to offer, but this time was different. After the revelations of the old man in the tavern, Jack found himself incapable of thinking of anything else other than The Devil's Own, and its captain.

His desire to be back at sea was overwhelming, he missed the sea breeze flowing through his hair, and the sea spray against his cheeks; the captain had been right all those years ago, when she told him that he would never feel more at home than when he was at sea, and now that the Pearl was pushing off from land, he felt a wave of relief flow over him.


The next few days passed without incident, life aboard the Pearl was as it always was, and Jack seemed to be back to his normal self. The hushed murmurs about the Devil's Own, had slowly died down, replaced by the usual grumbles about scrubbing the deck, or fixing the sails.

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