The wise woman- Tormund x Reader

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Warning: Mention of a blood sacrifice and the slight suggestion of smut.

The free folk had always had a wise woman, a special girl that was chosen from amongst the people and taken from their family to be raised and taught by the current wise woman so they could succeed them at their passing. The new wise woman was said to be more special than any before, said to be blessed by the old gods with exceptional powers of clairvoyance, healing and ancient magic. No one had seen the child since the day she had been taken, as the old wise woman had guarded her fiercely, keeping her away from prying eyes, especially those of the men. But with the old woman's passing the girl was now the peoples link with the gods.

Today was a day of celebration, and all the free folk had gathered to see the new wise woman for the first time and wait for her to perform the ritual to cement her place amongst the people, until she herself passed to be with the gods.

Tormund wasn't much for the notion of the wise woman; in all his years he had never felt the need to see one, or to gain their advice or council. But today was a celebration, and Tormund was all for a celebration because they normally meant three things, food, drink, and women, all of which he was in favour of. Also, for some reason he found himself intrigued by what he had heard of the woman that would be their new conduit to the gods.

Rumours had been rife for many years about the girl, and because of this free folk from everywhere had come to see whether the truth was stranger than fiction.

The ritual was centred around a large ancient oak tree that had been adorned with mistletoe; here the woman, who would strip naked, would make a sacrifice of ale, her own blood and the dagger with which she cut herself would be broken also as a sacrifice and then thrown into the frozen lake by the tree. Only the strongest and bravest men could witness the ritual; and once this was completed all the warriors present would be blessed; then the celebration would begin.

As one of the strongest warriors Tormund waited with the other men for her to appear; it was early in the morning, and incredibly cold even for the time of year. The warriors had risen before dawn to ensure all was ready to safeguard a successful ritual.

Tormund looked over at Mance who would be the one helping the wise woman perform the rites.

"So, do you know anything about this one?" Tormund asked, growing weary of waiting for the time the woman would appear.

"No, Ygalla told me very little about her other than her name is (Y/n). She always hid her away when anyone would visit. All she would say was that she would be an important woman for our people." Mance said, thinking back over his conversations with the old wise woman. Even though the two had been friends for many years, the old woman had refused to show him the girl, telling him that he would meet her when the time was right, and here he was fifteen years later waiting for her to appear.

The flap of the large tent opened and out strode a young woman, her bare feet seemingly unaffected by the freshly fallen snow under them.

The massed warriors could do little but stare at the vision before them. The pale skin on her face was decorated with scars which made intricate patterns in her dermis; Tormund had never seen anything like it before and judging by the faces of the others surrounding him, none of them had seen anything like it before either. Her eyes were of the brightest, most vibrant blue, which stood out all the more as they contrasted with the waves of red hair, that fell around her face and neck that also accentuated her pale flesh.

Tormund watched as Mance greeted her with a slight bow and took her hand to escort her to the ancient tree. As Mance led her away Tormund caught her eye, her bright blue orbs sparkled in the new day sun, and he couldn't help but feel a stirring in his loins as she smiled slightly her tongue slowly licking her cold lips.

The warriors followed behind as Mance halted the procession as they reached the tree. Before Mance stepped away he placed his hands on her shoulders and slowly took off her giant coat of furs to reveal a naked body underneath. Tormund's eyes widened as he saw her, her milky white flesh was almost as pale as the freshly fallen snow. Like her face, her back was covered in scars, most of which resembled ancient runes whereas others were symbols that he did not recognise. Tormund could feel his cock harden, what he wouldn't give to put a child in her, he could already tell that their sons would be strong.

He listened as she started the ritual, she spoke the ancient words that only the wise women and eldest of the free folk knew. Mance handed her a horn filled with ale, which she splashed around the base of the tree, then he passed her a dagger. After a few more words she drew the blade across the palm of her hand, holding the blood she wiped it on the trunk of the gnarled tree before breaking the blade in two and tossing it into the freezing water of the lake.

She bowed to the tree as Mance replaced the furs onto her body. As she turned, she looked at Tormund whispering something in Mance's ear as the pair stared at the large red haired man. As they spoke Tormund could see a glint in her eye, what he wouldn't give to see the rest of the body that was under those furs.

The rest of the day's celebrations were raucous, the ale flowed, and meat devoured, but Tormund had forgotten about the drink, food and women; instead he had had his eyes firmly set on the beautiful red head. They had been watching one another all day, but every time he had tried to speak to her one of the other men would sneak in first.

As the northern night turned black, and the fires were down to their embers, Tormund felt a hand slip down his chest.

"You know that there is one last part of the ritual, don't you?" Came a melodious voice from behind him.

Tormund took the small white hand in his and turned to see its owner. As he looked over his shoulder he was met with the familiar pair of cobalt eyes.

"The last part of the ritual is where the new wise woman takes a man, and I would like that to be you Tormund Giantsbane." She whispered into his ear.

Jumping from the log on which he sat, he threw her over his shoulder walking off towards her tent as a cheer went up from the rest of the free folk.

"Woman I am gonna put some pretty babies in you." He growled as he pulled the tent flap shut behind them.

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