Queen of the seas - GoT - Euron x Reader

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Euron stood at the prow of his ship, the muted crew busying themselves as the Silencer sailed towards their destination, the island kingdom of the Queen of the sea.

Slowly, their objective came into sight over the vast horizon, the great palace rising out of the clear azure blue sea like a perfect glistening white pearl sitting on its lush green island shell. The gleaming building was surrounded by all manner of trees and plants that seemed to grow from the palace itself, and descended in waves of luscious hues of green, down into the sparkling water that surrounded the great edifice.

Euron had seen many things in his time at sea, he had been everywhere from Old town to the Jade Sea; but nothing compared to the sight of the seat of the woman that controlled the seas.

As the Silencer drew closer to the great white castle, the enormous fleet of the queen came into view; the immense ships were as black as ebony, their sails as white as driven snow, the sigil of the queen, two great sea beasts emblazoned on each vast fluttering expanse of white.

Euron smiled to himself as he wondered whether the woman he had come to see would be as beautiful as her home.

He along with anyone else that had ever sailed the seas knew of the Queen, every captain of every ship, from the smallest fishing boat to the greatest war ship, must give tribute to the Queen, tribute that was something of importance to the captain; from a simple fish from the fisherman to vast troves of gold from the fleets of the great kings, each man must pay before they could even think about pushing away from shore, and as much as Euron hated it, even he, the King of the Iron Lands, Lord of the Salt Throne, had to pay her price, knowing that if he didn't, that even his mute crew would refuse to sail, fearing the Queen's deadly retribution.

Pulling up to the dock of the lush island, Euron watched as men of every creed and colour, from every part of their vast world came running out catching the ropes that the Silencers crew threw, securing the huge ship to the quay.

As Euron walked down to gangplank onto the dock, two guards dressed in shining silver armour, with helmets that resembled creatures of the deep, seemed to appear from nowhere, marching up and stopping in front of him.

"My lord, the Queen is waiting for you in the throne room, if you will follow us, we will escort you to her highness." One of the men told him, as they turned on their heels, and led Euron into the great citadel.

As he followed the guards up the steep cobbled streets to the bastion that stood atop the island, Euron couldn't help but notice the difference between the world of the Queen and the Iron Islands; Pyke and the other islands were small and rocky, swept by fierce storms that seemed to make the lands permanently cold, to outsiders they seemed dark and foreboding, especially the towers of the House of Greyjoy that sat precariously on top of their stone stacks. This island in contrast, was kissed by warm breezes, and the glint of the midday sun bounced off the white walls of the buildings, warming Euron's skin as they continued to climb.

As Euron followed the guards through the great gate that guarded the palace, his eyes fell on the paintings that covered the walls, that transformed the interior of the great building into something that looked like the bottom of the sea, filled with all manner of sea life and great ocean creatures.

Pushing open an elaborate door, the two guards removed their helmets, and bowed to a woman that stood looking out of a window onto the quay below.

"Your Highness. May I present the King of the Iron Lands, and lord of the Salt Throne, Euron Greyjoy." One of the guards announced, as the woman turned her gaze from the ship below to its captain.

"Thank you Vakari, you and Karos may leave us now." A beautiful voice said, as the guards bowed, reluctantly leaving the Ironborn with their Queen.

Euron stood, shocked for a moment as he looked the Queen up and down, he had heard rumours, stories of the woman's beauty; but none of these mariners flights of fancy were even close to matching to elegant, majestic creature that stood before him.

"So, you are Euron Greyjoy, the most feared pirate to ever sail my seas, why are you here?" The Queen asked, as she glided over to the large throne that was the main focus of the elaborate room.

"I have that honour, yes, my lady; and I am here in hopes of forming an alliance with you." Euron told the Queen, licking his lips seductively as he unapologetically ogled her body.

"An alliance? Why would I need an alliance with a pirate? I am the Queen of the seas, I control every stretch of water, be it a small river, a great lake, or the vastest ocean; I need fear no one." The Queen declared, as she watched the coy smirk that crossed Euron's lips grow.

"But my lady, an alliance between the Iron Islands and your kingdom would be beneficial to both of us, and would cement not only your control of the seas but you would also gain control over one of the greatest fleets in the Seven Kingdoms as well as its greatest captain." Euron purred, as he walked before the Queen.

"If you didn't notice, I already have the greatest fleet that has ever sailed, and I do not need my power cementing, all give tribute to me; I also have the best sailors, and naval strategists ever assembled, so again I ask you, why would I need an alliance with a pirate?" The Queen asked, watching as Euron took her hand and kissed her knuckles softly.

"Then if you do not need my fleet, how about you just take its captain." Euron hummed, as he looked at the Queen through his eyelashes. noticing the subtle smile that graced the woman's lips.

"Its captain? Do you mean you? If you didn't see, my lord, I am surrounded men, and could have anyone of them I wished; what makes you so special that I should take you to my bed?" The Queen asked, as Euron leant over her, resting his hands on the arms of her throne.

"Because my lady, the Ironborn are real men, and I am the greatest of them, if you give me a chance, I will prove it to you." Euron smirked, as he leaned in close enough to the Queen so that their lips were almost touching.

"Is that right? Then I think that you should start proving it by firstly showing me that beautiful long ship of yours, and then we will see where your stay in my kingdom takes us." The Queen told him, brushing her fingers over his light beard.

"It will be my pleasure." Euron said, offering the Queen his hand and leading her from the throne room, smiling in the knowledge that with just a little more charm, the Queen of the sea would be his.

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