Bronn and the Lioness - Bronn x Reader

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Ok so if Bronn is a bit OOC I apologise, but I just wanted to make this all nice and fluffy and sweet cos I loooooooove Bronn. 😉

Bronn held tightly to the precious creature that lay next to him. He had loved her for so long as soon as he met her when she was nothing more than a child he had instantly fallen in love. He knew it was wrong, and he tried to fight it but he was always drawn back to her.

As much as he tried to stay away, she would follow; her big doe eyes always on him. Every time he turned around, she was right there next to him, like a faithful hound following its master; so soon he stopped trying, giving into his need to be near the beautiful girl.

(Y/n) was the bastard daughter of Tyrion Lannister and a lady of the court; when her mother died during childbirth, Tyrion had more than happily taken charge of his daughter legitimising her straight away, despite Cersei and his father's objections.

(Y/n) was as beautiful as her mother had been; her long black hair and alabaster skin were her mother's twin, but her bright green eyes gave away her lineage. Like Tyrion she was intelligent, quick, and witty; always ready with a comeback for one of her father's or Bronn's quips.

She was every inch the lady, preferring to spend her time with her head in books rather than with a sword in her hand. The only time she was interested in the sword was when Bronn was wielding one in the practice yard. She would sit and watch him, cheering for him every time he vanquished his opponent. He had known many women in his life, but she was different; her attention would always make him feel special and he would puff out his chest in pride as he saw her cheeks would redden when he caught her eye. Bronn knew that every young man had his eyes firmly set on the young beauty, but nothing they did seemed to attract her; she had interest in only two men, her father and her protector Ser Bronn.


A big celebration was planned for the evening, (Y/n) was coming of age and finally considered a woman in the eyes of all. Despite Cersei's objections, Jaime had insisted that their niece should receive only the best. Cersei had never liked the fact that Jamie seemed to have more than a familial affection for the young woman, finding herself more than jealous of the flowering beauty. Tyrion and Bronn had also noticed her uncle's affections for the girl and made it a point to be by her side whenever he was around.

"Father, will Ser Bronn be at the celebrations this evening?" (Y/n) asked, as she sat on the floor next to his chair. Tyrion chuckled as he tucked a few stray long black hairs back behind her ear.

"Even if I chained him up and locked him in the dungeon, Bronn would still find a way to be by your side today, as every day."

Tyrion watched as his daughter's cheeks turned the softest shade of red. He was more than aware of his daughter's affections for Bronn; even from a young age she had told her handmaidens that she would one day marry the much older man. Tyrion had been unhappy when he had been informed of his daughter's feelings for the sellsword, especially as he knew of Bronn's reputation with women; but as the years had gone by, and Bronn had shown nothing but respect, love and care for his daughter, his attitude had changed. He knew that Bronn would give his life to protect his (Y/n).


As the handmaidens scurried around adding the finishing touches to the young woman for the celebration, there was a knock at the door. The sound of giggles from the handmaidens echoed through the room as the door was opened to reveal the visitor. Bronn was dressed in his finest clothes, despite his dislike for such frippery he was determined that he would look his best for (Y/n).

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