A brother's best friend - Expendables - Caesar x Reader

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Caesar's eyes opened slowly, he couldn't tell where he was straight away, but he was on a cold damp floor, and every single one of his muscles ached.

Tentatively he reached up his hand, his fingers finding a large ragged scar on the side of his head that was caked in congealed blood; gradually it was all coming back to him.

He and (Y/n) had been separated from the rest of the team, caught in the crossfire of two waring factions that they and the others had found themselves in the middle of. It was supposed to be a run of the mill operation; but that's what they always said, and as so often seemed to be the case, it was the CIA intelligence that had let them down.

No one was where they should have been, the factions were better organised and armed than they had been led to believe, and how the bastards had not been able to tell them that these guys had had a goddam tank was beyond belief.

Drummer was shaping up to be as big an asshole as Church, and Caesar couldn't be happier that dealing with the big shot CIA schmucks always fell on Barney's shoulders.

Suddenly he realised, (Y/n), where was (Y/n)? She had been with him when they had been dragged away; he could remember her kicking and screaming, she'd even bitten one of the guys holding her, managing to get his gun and taking out two other men, before being king hit and dropping to the floor like a ragdoll.

"Well if it ain't sleeping beauty, nice to see you're joining me big guy." A soft voice said from behind him, causing Caesar to turn around quicker than he probably should have done.

Caesar let out a sigh of relief as he caught the faint outline of the body of (Y/n) in the poorly lit room, if anything had happened to her, Toll would never have forgiven him. His friend had entrusted him with his sister and that had meant a lot to Caesar, especially knowing that Toll very rarely ever let her away from his side. It wasn't that she couldn't look after herself, far from it; unlike Toll, she had been to Westpoint, graduating summa cum laude, the best of the best, top of the class; she served with distinction for over a decade, a supreme intelligence officer, proficient in several languages, a whiz with a computer and exceptionally good at hand to hand combat just like her brother; Toll's fear was that he could lose the one person that he knew beyond a doubt loved him, and that led to the teams resident self-help guru being ever so slightly over protective.

"Well if I'm sleeping beauty, why didn't ya just come and wake me up with a kiss, Prince Charming?" Caesar chuckled, slowly crawling over to where (Y/n) sat.

"Are you kidding? It's the only peace I get when you're asleep." (Y/n) joked, as Caesar came to rest beside her.

"Oh, come on beautiful, ya know ya love all this dark chocolate." Caesar said, beginning to laugh until he saw (Y/n)'s face; it was obvious that their captors had done more to her while he had been unconscious than just a slap or two.

Caesar took her head in his hands, trying to get a better look at the injuries that littered her face; he could see the bust lip, and the trickle of dried blood that came from her nose, he could make out the blackeye and cut on her cheek, all of which were proving to make his blood boil.

Caesar was normally the clown of the group, the one that would make light of a situation, the one that could always come back with the best insults, the one guaranteed to be the first on the dance floor with the ladies; but when (Y/n) had come along, he had found that he was different, and if her brother ever found out how he truly felt about the female of the team, Toll would never let him near her again.

"Holy shit (Y/n), what the hell did they do to ya?" Caesar asked, brushing his thumb gently across the cut on her cheek.

"What? This? This is nothing." She said with an uncomfortable smile, as she placed her hand over Caesar's bigger one.

"My grandma could punch better than those pussies, and she's dead." (Y/n) told him with a dry chuckle.

"Works out that I killed the brother of one of the head honchoes, and he didn't like it, so he had his minions push me about a bit." (Y/n) said, pulling herself into Caesar's side as he sat down next to her.

"Geez, some guys don't have a sense of humour do they." Caesar joked, as he held on to her tight, knowing that he would probably never get to hold her this close again.

"How crazy do you think Toll is driving Barney about coming and getting us?" (Y/n) asked, nuzzling her head into Caesar's neck.

"Are you kidding? He's probably glad to be rid of us, no one to tease him about his ears." Caesar chuckled, savouring the warmth of the woman in his arms.

"You tease him about his ears, I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing to my brother." (Y/n) replied, laughing as Caesar looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I suppose that if they don't come and get us, you won't have to tell Toll the truth." She said, looking back up at the big man.

"The truth?" Caesar asked, furrowing his brows in confusion.

"Yeah, the truth, you know, that you like me." (Y/n) said, holding onto Caesar tighter as she felt him tense.

"How?........ When?....... Why would you think that?" Caesar spluttered out, trying to think back to anything that he may have let slip.

"Oh please! The way you act when you're around me, you're nearly as protective as Toll. When we all go out, instead of getting up on the dance floor like you used to, shaking your ass with all the girls, you sit next to me; the way you growl at Christmas and Galgo any time they come within three feet of me, the way........" (Y/n) said, only stopping when Caesar's lips clashed with hers, her arms wrapping around his neck.

"Its ok Caesar, I like you too." (Y/n) chuckled, as the big man pulled her back into his side, a huge smile appearing across his face.


"Maybe we can get one of the guards, next time someone comes to check on us." (Y/n) said after a while, breaking the comfortable silence that had grown between them as Caesar had run his fingers through her hair.

"Yeah...... how am I supposed to tell Toll if we don't get outta here." Caesar said, taking (Y/n) chin delicately in his hand, and kissing her again.

Suddenly the sound of automatic gunfire from outside their cell alerted the pair to the probable presence of the team.

"Well, it looks like you're gonna get the chance to tell my big brother after all, sweetheart." (Y/n) laughed, as she saw the look of terror on Caesar's face.

"Either you do it or I will, either way, you're gonna be in trouble." She continued to laugh, as Caesar stood up slowly, taking (Y/n)'s hand to help her from the floor.

"Well, at least if you tell him, it will give me a chance to hide." Caesar told her, as the pair waited for their comrades to break them free.

"You big chicken." (Y/n) scoffed, as the door blew open, Caesar grabbing hold of her, and cradling her protectively in his arms from the flying debris.

"(Y/N)!" Toll shouted out, his eyes growing wide as he saw his sister in his best friend's arms.

"About damn time!" (Y/n) quipped, leaving Caesar's side and taking a gun from her brother.

"Now let's get the hell outta here. Oh, and Caesar you owe me a proper date when we get back home." (Y/n) smirked, making her way out of the room, shooting at the men coming towards her as the rest of the team rushed to help.

"You and me will be talking later." Toll said, throwing Caesar his gun and watching suspiciously as his friend slinked passed him.

As the team fought their way out of the compound, making their way to the waiting chopper, Caesar couldn't help but think for a split second that getting shot might be slightly more preferable than having to explain all this to a pissed off Toll; but as Doc examined (Y/n), and he felt her hand grab his hand, Caesar knew that (Y/n) was worth facing anything that Toll could do to him.

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