She's gone - X-Men - Part 1 - Young Charles x Young Erik x Reader

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This is really going to be a young Charles, young Erik imagine. But this beginning chapter is more Raven x Reader. I hope that you enjoy.

Raven walked the corridor of the large mansion. She felt as though she had been looking for (Y/n) for hours. The shapeshifter knowing that if (Y/n) didn't want to be found, it was going to be a hard thing to do to actually find her.

Raven, Charles, and (Y/n) had known one another since Charles' time at Oxford. And (Y/n) and Charles had eventually become a couple, much to Raven's delight. The shapeshifter believing that she had found in (Y/n), the sister that she had never had.

(Y/n) was the opposite of Charles. Whereas the telepath always seemed to be serious and quiet, (Y/n) was happy and had a joyful nature that seemed infectious. Her aura even making the usually stoic Erik smile. The magnetism manipulator seeming to care for (Y/n) just as much as Charles did.

(Y/n) mutations had always been hard to summarise, and could never really be placed in one bracket or another. But whatever she truly was, there was something about the beautiful mutant that drew others too her. And Charles had definitely found himself drawn. The two of them seeming to love and care for one another in a way that others could only dream of.

But that had been until Charles had been hit in the spine MacTaggart's bullets, as he and the rest of the X-Men had come up against Riptide, Azazel, and Shaw. Since then, Charles had begun to push away the woman that he had claimed to love. And Raven had watched as (Y/n) had slowly become a shadow of her former self.

"Where are you (Y/n)?" Raven asked with a heavy sigh as she leaned against the wall. The shapeshifters eyes focusing on the panes of glass in the large window, as the rain outside ran down them like a river.

"(Y/n)!" Raven exclaimed, as she finally saw a drenched figure sat on a bench in the garden. The shaking woman outside causing Raven to make her way to the front door and venture out into the storm.

"(Y/n). What are you doing out here? We have to get you inside." Raven told her, as she tried to pull (Y/n) up and take her inside. (Y/n) not seeming to notice, or care that she was soaked to the bone.

"He blames me. I might as well have pulled the trigger myself. I thought he loved me. That he'd love me no matter what." (Y/n) said quietly, as Raven reluctantly took a seat next to her friend.

"Don't talk that way (Y/n). Charles does love you. And he would never blame you for what happened. It wasn't your fault. He just has to get used to the fact that he's in that chair. He'll come round. He'll get back to his normal self. And he'll make up for everything. You'll see." Raven tried to reassure, as she placed her arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder.

Over the years, (Y/n) and Raven had not just become friends, they were family. And Raven hated watching as Charles seemed to push (Y/n) away. How he would shout at her in one breath and ignore her with the next. How he no longer seemed to want to touch (Y/n). Wouldn't even let her hold him. And Raven had watched as the joy seemed to have disappeared from her friend. Leaving behind it a mere shell of what was.

Raven had tried to talk to Charles on a number of occasions. Tried to find out why he suddenly seemed to hate the one person in the world that loved him more than anything. But every time she had tried, Charles had just grown angry. Telling her that it was none of her business. And that whatever was going on was between him and (Y/n). But Raven being Raven had refused to give up. And that was why she now sat in the pouring rain next to (Y/n).

"No Raven. He doesn't want me around anymore. He's even told me as much. This morning he said that he wants me to leave. That he never wants to see me again. He doesn't love me. Don't think that he ever did. I was just there. Well, I'm not going to be around for him to take it out on anymore. I'm going to do exactly what he wants. I'm going to leave, and never come back." (Y/n) said, her tears mixing with the rain as her mind flooded with all the wonderful times that she and Charles had shared. Wonderful times that now all seemed like a lie.

From the moment that (Y/n) had met Charles, she knew that there was something special about him. Something that always made her smile. Something that, despite the fact that they had only just met, made her instantly fall in love. She could remember the first night that they had spent together. The first night that they had made love. Their sweat soaked bodies holding one another tight, as they tried to regain their breath. Charles telling her that he would love her forever.

"(Y/n). You can't leave. It's not just Charles, what about the rest of us? What about Hank, Erik, the others. Me. We all love you. None of them will want you to leave. Charles just isn't thinking straight. I'll try to talk to him again. Get the others to talk to him. Get him to see sense. We need you, (Y/n). I need you." Raven replied. Hating the idea of losing the girl that she saw as her very own flesh and blood.

"I don't want to leave you, or the others. But there is no other way, Raven. I can't stay here knowing that Charles doesn't love me. Knowing that everything I thought we had, meant absolutely nothing to him. So, I'm going to do exactly what he wants. I'm going to leave, and never come back. But I promise that as soon as I'm settled, I'll write to you to let you know that I'm alright." (Y/n) replied, as she took Raven's hands. Neither woman noticing that the rain had got heavier.

"But where will you go? What will you do? Why do all this when Charles will be able to find you anyway." Raven tried to reason, furrowing her brows as (Y/n) shook her head.

"No, he won't. He can't. It's one of my special little talents. I seem to be the only mutant that he can't sense. The only one whose head he can't get into. And I don't know where I'm going, or what I'll do. All I know is that I have to get away from here. Go somewhere that I can just try and live a normal life. Try and find someone that really does care about me. But you have to promise that you won't tell anyone that I'm gone. Especially not Erik, because I know what he'll do. In know how angry he'll get. You have to give me enough time to disappear. I don't want this to be any harder than it already is. And if I have to say goodbye to all the others, I know that I might never leave. I need the happiness back in my life, Raven. Please, don't try and stop me. I swear that I'll write and explain everything to the rest of them. But you have to let go." (Y/n) replied, as she gripped Raven's hands even tighter.

"Alright. I promise. But you have to promise me that you'll keep in touch. That I can come and see you when you're ready. That just because you're leaving Charles, you won't forget about the rest of us." Raven agreed. (Y/n) pulling her friend into her arms as the two women hugged in the rain.

"I promise. Now, come and help me pack. I want to leave before anything has a chance to change my mind." (Y/n) told Raven. A sad smile pulling at her lips as the two women made their way back into the mansion. 

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