The Lost Sniper - Expendables - Part 2

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To say that it was hot would be a vast understatement. The heat and humidity were oppressive, and no matter what (Y/n) did, or where she tried to go, there was no escaping the thick water laden atmosphere.

She had been stuck in this godforsaken jungle for three weeks, and she had no idea how much longer she would be out there, having to survive off the land. Deep down she knew that her father would be doing everything he could to get her back, but she also knew that given the fact that her mission was one of those that the company wouldn't openly admit too, the chances of being rescued any time soon may be a long shot.

(Y/n) sat in her makeshift hideout, the camp hidden as well as any could be by the vast dense foliage that surrounded her. The sniper watching for any movement that may indicate that someone or something was making its way towards her. She couldn't help but curse at her bad luck; she had met her objective without any difficulty, her single shot taking out her victim without an issue; but it was the fire fight between the Liberation Army and some other group that had prevented her from making it to the extraction point and had led to the injury that was making it harder to survive.

(Y/n) thought that it was ironic that during a fire fight, she wasn't injured by a bullet, but instead had fallen as she attempted to evade the flying projectiles, impaling herself on one of the many sharp branches of the trees. The stake causing a deep wound in her side that was proving to make life even more difficult than it would have already been.

Carefully she rolled up her damp t-shirt, doing her best not to irritate the wound any more than it was already. As she removed the bandages, (Y/n) could tell by the smell from the wound that things weren't good. And given how she had been running a fever for a while, the increased swelling, tenderness and pain around the wound, (Y/n) knew that somehow she was going to have to get out of the jungle before the infection from her wound reached her internal organs.

Digging around in her pack, (Y/n) brought out the last lot of clean bandages from her kit, taking in a sudden sharp intake of breath as she wrapped them tightly around her torso. A slog out of the dense jungle would be bad enough under normal circumstances, but now, well now it was going to be even harder.

As she rolled down her t-shirt, a rustle in the foliage not far from her camp alerted her to a presence. (Y/n) quietly grabbing for her gun as she moved further up into the dense rainforest canopy.

"So where is this woman supposed to be?" (Y/n) heard a man ask, the sniper annoyed that whoever the idiot was, he could be giving away her position.

(Y/n) carefully pushed the branches to the side, her eyes falling on a number of men that were obviously not part of the Liberation Army.

"If the report is right, she was dropped off about a click from here, so it's possible that she could be anywhere in our current radius." A large man replied to the first.

Despite the second man's obvious American accent, (Y/n) stayed in the canopy, her gun trained on the large blonde man that was making all the noise. As much as she wanted to believe that the men could have been sent by her father, she knew that it would be utterly foolish to give her position away before she knew more.

"The senorita could be anywhere. This is not a good place to be, especially if she is hurt. There are crocodiles, jaguar, even bears. It would be better to find her sooner rather than later." A smaller man said, (Y/n) ears pricking up as she heard him speak, his Spanish accent alerting her to the fact that the men could in fact be far from friendly.

(Y/n) continued to listen to the group as they started to moan about having to be in the jungle, groaning about the humidity, the bugs and the fact that they felt like it was a pointless mission, the female sniper getting more and more agitated until she could stand no more.


The boys spun around, looking up into the canopy as they heard the bolt of a sniper rifle being moved, a bullet unmistakable being placed into the chamber.

"Will you idiots shut the hell up. I have been in this damn jungle for three weeks and managed not to be found. You lot come in like a herd of goddamn elephants, stinking of cigars, booze and soap, complaining about how damn hot it is like a bunch of spoil girls. Now start telling me who you are before I really give our position away by shooting the lot of you." (Y/n) called out, just loud enough for the men to hear.

"Staff Sargent Drummer? We were sent by your dad." An unmistakably English voice called out, as (Y/n) slowly descended the tree and emerged from the canopy.

"Well, if the Major sent you, I am sure he would have given you something to tell me. And you better get it right, cos I have a terribly itchy trigger finger. (Y/n) said, the boys watching as she struggled to move forward.

Christmas and the rest of the team turned to look at Barney, as he stepped forward towards the obviously injured and sick woman.

"Your father told me to tell ya that Babe Ruth has stolen third and is heading for home." Barney told her, (Y/n) dropping her rifle as she smiled at his words.

"Ok, so who the hell are you? You don't look like the company to me." (Y/n) asked, holding onto her side as she moved closer to the men.

Before Barney could reply, (Y/n) fell, Galgo catching her before she dropped to the floor.

"Senorita. Please let me help." Galgo said softy, as he lowered her slowly to the floor.

"You are hurt?" The Spaniard asked, as his hands moved to her side and rolled up her T-shirt, his eyes growing wide as he saw the already dirty bandages.

"Let me in." Doc told the others, as he dropped to his knees close to her. (Y/n) flinching as the man carefully removed the bindings, grimacing when he saw the angry wound.

"How did you do this?" Doc asked, as he carefully touched the redden skin. The sniper gripping Galgo's hand tighter, and burying her head into his chest, as Doc continued to examine her.

"Those idiots were trying to kill one another, so I made a run for it. I didn't like the idea of being shot by a poorly aimed bullet, and I needed to get back to the extraction point. As I was making my way through the bush, an explosion made me fall into one of the trees, and I impaled myself on some damn branch. I wish it was a more heroic explanation. But that's the best I can give you." (Y/n) told Doc. A slight smile coming to her lips, as Galgo brushed some of her damp hair from her face.

"You did a good job. You'll be fine." Doc tried to reassure, as he stood and pulled Barney over to one side.

"Whatever you have planned to get us back out of here without getting noticed, you better do it now. The wound is badly infected, and if we leave it any longer, we might be returning a corpse back to Drummer." Doc explained quietly, both men knowing that despite the fact that the ex-Major had had them drop themselves off as close as they could get to his daughters last known location, it had still taken the team two days of hard slog through dense jungle to get to where they were now. Both men also knowing that the injured sniper would make the return journey, even more difficult.

"Just do what ya can to help her. As soon as its safe we'll move out. If we need to, we'll take turns to carry her. I can't imagine that Drummer will like us returning her in a body bag." Barney replied, as he watched the Sargent continue to grip tightly to Galgo. The Spaniard seemingly refusing to let her go. 

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