The Sniper - TWD - Part 4 - Rick x Reader

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Part 4 of "The Sniper" this one is Rick' s POV

Rick sat on the steps of the house nursing the red skin around his neck where Daryl had been holding him, only now was it sinking in what he had just done; he had just sold someone, sold her like she was his property, sold her like she meant nothing, and he had sold her to save them from only three less visits from Negan and his men.

It was true what he had told Daryl, that it was for the greater good, that they would be able to finally stock up on supplies, they would be able to start feeding people properly again, even if it was only for a short time; but was it all worth the sacrifice he had decided to make without discussing it with anyone else? This time, this was all on him, whatever the repercussions of what he had done, he, and he alone would have to face them.

He saw the shocked looks of the others as Negan had taken (Y/n) away; in her short time in Alexandria, she had become an integral part of the community, and despite her being quiet and solitary, she had become popular with everyone. Carl and Judith loved her, and as for Daryl, it was like he had found another part of himself; and for Rick himself, it was like she was a beacon of light in his dark world. She was always there when he needed her, always supporting him, always ready to perform any task he asked, and now that he had lost her, he wasn't sure what he would do. He had loved her from afar, unsure of how to confront her about his feelings, so instead he chose to admire the sniper from a distance, pining away like a lovesick schoolboy, and now he would never get a chance to tell her how he felt.

He felt sick to his stomach; could he truly have had feelings for her if he was so willing to give her to a man like Negan for so little? Did he ever really care or was it just this new world that they found themselves in, that made him think that he cared? In the old world the two would never have met, he would probably still have been with Lori, maybe he would even have made it to Sheriff by now, but his life would have revolved around small town America and probably little else. (Y/n) on the other hand would have continued to travel the world, continued to be a highly trained, deadly weapon, that killed for her country; he could see her being with a man as deadly as she was, them both finding solace, understanding and comfort from their nightmares in one another's arms. In no world other than this one would he and (Y/n) be able to be together, able to move in the same circles.

Rick shook the negative thoughts from his head. No, he did care, he did have feelings for her; the old world didn't exist anymore, and all that mattered was making the best out of this one. Maybe it was because Negan had taken him by surprise with his offer that he accepted it so readily, maybe it was because he thought that three less visits would enable them to accumulate more supplies than they actually could, but now he finally realised that he was fooling himself.

With (Y/n), Daryl had found the perfect hunting partner, the two always coming back with more meat than Daryl had been able to by himself, she had also proved her worth when any of them had been on runs, and she had saved the life of more than one of them from the walkers over the months.

Rick rose from the steps, heading towards the crowd of people that had gathered, he wasn't sure how he was going to explain to the others about what he had done, but all he knew was that Daryl would probably never forgive him, Carl would probably hate him, and the others, well god only knew what the others would say.


It had been weeks since (Y/n) had been forced to go with Negan, and nothing had got better. Daryl still hadn't said a word to him, spending most of his time out of Alexandria hunting, trying to compensate for the loss of (Y/n). Runs were not proving as bountiful as Rick had hoped, and even thought they had been able to recoup a few supplies it wasn't enough.

Carl still hadn't been able to come to terms with his father's decision, and even though he was now talking to him it seemed to be nothing more than the mere essentials, all other pleasantries had fallen by the way. But Rick couldn't blame him, Carl had levitated to her from the time she arrived, fascinated by what (Y/n) did, she had even started to teach him how to shoot like her, and other than Daryl, Carl was the only one allowed to touch her rifle.

Rick had made many mistakes since the world had ended, some bigger than others, but this was proving to be the worst decision he had ever made, and there was absolutely nothing he could do to rectify it. Negan would be back before they knew it, there supplies would back to basically nothing, Negan would still have (Y/n), and Rick had nothing to offer him to get her back, but he knew that even if he did, the chances of her coming back and forgiving him were probably none existent.

Even though he knew how tough (Y/n) was, Rick couldn't help but fear for what could possibly happen to her when Negan was around; the things that the man had done, only proved to Rick that he was a monster, a creature that was perfectly suited to this new world, and he just hoped that Negan would find (Y/n) too valuable to hurt her for anything she may do that went against his rule.

As he looked out over Alexandria, he had a sick feeling that when Negan did return, (Y/n) would be by his side, her sights now trained on him rather than the Saviours. He knew that no matter what, (Y/n) would never harm anyone else in Alexandria, but given her threat as she left, he couldn't say the same about himself.

The only thing that Rick could hope for was that she would give him an opportunity to explain himself, to apologise, to tell her everything he wanted to tell her. He knew that this could be the only chance he had left to say all these things, and no matter what, he would take it.

A/N I'm going to do an extra part for this imagine where the three men and the reader come back together and confront one another. I need to pull the three separate stories into a nice neat end.

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