The Lost Sniper - Expendables - Part 1

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My apologises for my absence and lack of updates, I have been moving house and everything has been complete havoc; but now that my home office is back up running, I can sit down and write again, so be prepared for more frequent updates. 😄 I haven't put in a character for this imagine like I normally would as I am still considering who best to include; but if any of you have any preferences as to which of the boys you would like to be the main character, you can just drop me a quick message. I hope you enjoy.

Barney and Christmas sighed as a big black car pulled up outside the hangar. Drummer's visits seemed to be getting more and more frequent, and despite the retired Air Force Major being easier to deal with than Church, his visits were not something either man looked forward to.

"Not again. We only just got back from the last mission he sent us on." Christmas complained, as he stuck his head out of the cockpit window, watching Barney as he cleaned oil from his hands with a dirty old cloth, the big man shaking his head as he climbed down from the engine.

"Nice to see you boys are keeping busy." Drummer said, as he made his way over to the two men, an agent dressed completely in black following close behind the elite ranking Field Operations Officer.

"If you had to fly in this thing, you'd be kept busy too." Christmas scoffed, ignoring the disgruntled look from Barney as he climbed down from the back of the plane.

"What do you want Drummer? Haven't you got anyone else that can clean up your crap for you?" Barney grumbled, as he took a cigar from his pocket and lit it, a great plume of smoke billowing into the cool fall air as he chewed on the end of the large Cuban.

Drummer turned around and dismissed the young agent that stood behind him, only turning back to Barney and Christmas when the man had completely vanished.

"This isn't a job for the CIA, this one......well this one is more personal." Drummer said quietly, pulling out a photo from his briefcase and handing it to Barney.

"I need you and your team to go to Venezuela and bring back my daughter." Drummer told the two men, as he perched himself on the corner of Barney's desk.

"What the hell is your daughter doing in Venezuela? Its not the usual place that some girl would go for Spring break." Christmas chuckled, stopping and coughing uncomfortably as Drummer glared at him.

"My daughter is not on Spring break." Drummer declared, slightly annoyed at Christmas' insinuation that his daughter would be foolish enough to go to one of the most dangerous countries in the world for some kind of drunken vacation.

"My daughter (Y/n), is an Air Force Staff Sargent seconded to the CIA as a sniper. She was sent into Venezuela's Amazon basin to eliminate a high ranking member of the National Liberation Army, the group is developing their narcotics trafficking networks in the region, and are using the dense rainforest to try and stop us from keeping an eye on their movements. Her target, a man called Alejandro Perez, was reported to have been making threats against the Venezuelan President and his family, and given the current unrest in the area, the last thing we need is an assassination. From her last report, her mission was successful; but then we lost all contact, and she never made it to the extraction point. I need you to find her and bring her back to me." Drummer said, an air of concern in his voice that neither Expendable had heard before as he told Barney and Christmas what had happened.

"How long is it since she missed the extraction?" Barney asked, as he handed her picture to Christmas for him to peruse.

"It's been three weeks. My daughter is an intelligent woman, and one of the best at what she does, if there was a way to get in contact with me she would have found it already; but given the fact that she is in a vast unpopulated area, and what few inhabitants there are, are either connected to the Liberation Army or are local tribes that have no real links to the outside world, it seems more than likely that she is hunkered down near where she was dropped off waiting for someone to come and retrieve her." Drummer told Barney, who was now staring at the CIA agent, a sense of intrigue filling him despite his attempts to remain completely disinterested.

"So why don't you just send in one of your own teams? If this was a sanctioned mission, then surly you don't need us." Barney questioned, despite knowing that if Drummer was there, then the mission that he had sent his daughter on was definitely not what you would consider anything remotely like sanctioned.

"The mission was secret, and only those that needed to know about it were privy to the information. I have tried to get my superiors to send in a team to bring her home; but given that it was a black op, they want to keep their distance just in case she is captured by either the Liberation Army or any other militant group that may have made home in the vicinity." Drummer informed Barney, as he tried to ignore the smirk on Christmas' face.

"What's in it for us? I mean apart from the fact that we get to rescue an exceptionally beautiful damsel in distress." Christmas asked, as he looked up from the picture of (Y/n).

"What did he say? I swear that that guy is talking another language." Drummer said coldly, as he looked the Englishman up and down.

"He asked what's in it for us?" Barney reiterated, as eager to know what Drummer would have to offer for this little mission as Christmas was.

"If you rescue my daughter, I'll do my best to get the majority of your debt to the CIA wiped out. I can't make any promises, but that is the best I can do." Drummer told the pair, for once seeming more like a father rather than an agent.

Barney mussed for a moment, looking at Christmas who gave him a discrete approving nod.

"Ok, but I want it all wiped out, not just the majority." Barney said, knowing that for once he had the upper hand.

"Now be reasonable Ross, you guys are too much of an asset to lose, and five million dollars isn't just a drop in the ocean........" Drummer began, only to find himself cut off midsentence by Barney.

"That's the deal, Drummer. You make the debt disappear, and we go rescue your girl. Take it or leave it!" Barney declared, as he turned and made his way back towards the plane.

"Alright. You get (Y/n), and I'll made the five million vanish." Drummer called out, Barney smiling to himself before turning back to the agent.

"Good. We'll need some new equipment, and any information that's relevant to your daughter and her mission that may help us find her." Barney said, as he walked back over to Drummer, the two men leaving the hangar and Christmas behind.

"I thought you might. I've pulled a few strings, and managed to get you new gear, if anything is missing just let one of my men know. I want this done as quickly and quietly as possible, and I want my daughter home, unscathed." Drummer told him, as he and Barney made their way back to Drummer's car.

"Oh, and one more thing Ross. If that limey prick lays one hand on my daughter, I promise that they won't find the body." Drummer told him, as he got back into the car, Barney shaking his head as the vehicle disappeared off down the runway.

"You wouldn't really have left her out there to rot, would you?" Christmas asked, as Barney returned and climbed back up onto the engine.

"No, but he doesn't know that. Oh, and he said that if you lay a finger on her then you can kiss ya ass goodbye." Barney chuckled as he stuck his head back in the engine, Christmas weighing up the possibilities of whether (Y/n) Drummer could be worth risking her father's wrath for.

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