The Sniper - TWD - Part 3 - Daryl x Reader

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Part 3 of "The Sniper" this part is from Daryl's POV.

Daryl dropped down onto his bed, his brain still struggling to fully comprehend what Rick had just done, how could he sell (Y/n) to Negan? No matter how much Negan had offered he would have never sacrificed her, even if it was for the greater good, he would never have let (Y/n) go.

From the moment she had come through the gates of Alexandria, he had taken an instant liking to her; he could see a lot of himself in her, and despite her being distant and reserved to start with, as the two had spent more and more time together they had become close friends. Out of everyone Daryl believed that she was the only one that could truly understand him, she had had a troubled upbringing just like him, and to escape she had joined the military as soon as she could, and just like him she had scars, both physically and mentally.

The two would spend hours together just talking about everything and nothing, she would tell him about her life in the military and about all the countries in the world that she had been posted to. Daryl wasn't really impressed by much anymore, he was too cynical and jaded, but when she had told him about being captured and tortured, his respect for her had grown exponentially and he felt like he had found a kindred spirit.

He was the only one (Y/n) would smile for all the time, the others, even Rick, rarely saw her face light up, but Daryl felt himself privileged that she trusted him enough to let him see the vulnerable side of her. She had become the one he would go hunting with, the two in perfect sync as they quietly stalked whatever prey they could find. They would spend time in the woods, quietly enjoying the peace of nature away from Alexandria, away from the others, just the two of them as if nothing else existed.

As he lay there, he remembered the day she had come to Alexandria, she had pounded on the gates and as she was allowed in, she had nearly fallen through, landing on her knees on the floor. As he, Rick and the others had rushed over they found a figure covered in blood, guts and general gore from the walkers; it was hard to tell whether the new comer was male or female to begin with, its tattered army fatigues were too large for the person's frame, the hair was cut short, and the gasping sound they made as they were panting for air was deep and guttural, it wasn't until the newcomer raised its head that Daryl saw the most breath taking pair of eyes he had ever seen, and despite the filth that covered the face, he could make out the feature of a beautiful woman covered in scars, scars that looked like souvenirs of the hell that she had been through. She had tried to rise to feet, only for her legs to crumble underneath her; Daryl found himself hurrying to her and scooping her up into his arms, carrying her further into Alexandria despite Rick's protests. As he placed her onto a bed he had tried to take her rifle, only to find it pointed at his head, he remembered trying to reassure her, telling her that she was safe with him, that he wouldn't let anything happen to her; finally she had relinquished and as he took the weapon she had fallen unconscious back onto the bed.

It had been a few days until she was able to answers Rick's three questions, and Daryl remembered her trying to explain how many people she had killed and why. It was from then on that (Y/n) had become an integral part of Alexandria, and of Daryl's life.


It had been weeks since (Y/n) had been taken from Alexandria, and Daryl was still to talk to Rick, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop his blood from boiling every time he saw him. But he wasn't just angry at Rick, he was angry at himself for letting (Y/n) go without more of a fight, and even angrier at himself for not telling her how he felt before she left. Daryl wasn't good at expressing his feelings at the best of times, but when those feelings were ones of love, he was even worse, and now he could do nothing more than beat himself up as he internally screamed at himself for not having the guts to confess to (Y/n) the truth. He couldn't help but worry about what could be happening to (Y/n) in the Sanctuary; worry about what Negan could do to her.

He knew all too well about her stubborn streak, that she didn't take any crap, and she was more than able to get under someone's skin by telling them a few home truths, and none of those things could be good around Negan. But Daryl decide that to harm or kill (Y/n) would be the stupidest thing the Negan could ever do, a highly trainer Marine sniper didn't grow on trees before the world ended, but now they were as rare as hen's teeth. Plus, if she had baby in her hands Negan would be dead before he hit the floor, especially if he only had that damn bat of his in his hands.

Daryl knew that he would see (Y/n) again, as soon as it was time the Saviours to come back and take their supplies he knew that Negan, being the twisted bastard that he was would bring her with him, just to flaunt her in front of everyone in Alexandria, to flaunt the fact that he was back to take their stuff, and he still had her, and there wasn't a damn thing they could do about it.

As soon as the time came, he would do everything he could to get her back, he would even kill Negan and everyone of his men if he had to, but he was determined to get (Y/n) back at any cost; and he would even go against Rick if he had to.

But for now, he had to bide his time and wait for the day Negan brought her back.

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