Victor and the Queen of Gotham - Victor Zsasz x Oswald X Reader

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If any of the characters are OOC my apologises, I don't follow story lines of the show, so I don't link it in with that.

Warning: A swear word. I warn just in case. Nothing smutty, just a suggestion that something is happening.

"Has anyone seen (y/n)?" Victor yelled out, looking for his partner in crime. The two deadliest assassins now worked for the Penguin, cementing his place as King of Gotham.

Since Penguin had finally persuaded the female assassin to join his team, Victor and (y/n) had been inseparable: whether it was guarding their boss, or out on a hit, the two were constantly by one another's sides. The only time the two were apart was as they slept, but that was something that Victor desperately wanted to change. He would only admit it to himself but being around such a beautiful woman every day had awoken his cold heart, and he had developed a huge crush on the dark haired beauty.

He had decided that today was the day that he would ask her out. He had spent many sleepless nights worrying about whether it was the best course of action; the pair of you were friends, more than that, best friends, and did he really want to ruin that he thought to himself.

What if she rejected him? What if she laughed in his face? He had often stared at his own reflection in the small bathroom mirror; he knew he wasn't the best looking man, but he most certainly wasn't ugly. He knew she could have any man in Gotham if she wanted, but the only other man she spent any amount of time with was their boss. Oswald always seemed to have a soft spot for (y/n), and Victor had often found the two talking together in a secluded corner of the club but had just put that down to the fact that they were probably discussing business. Now, despite all his misgivings he decided that she was the only thing that made him happy; and he wanted something more than just a friendship.

"Hey! I said has anyone seen (y/n)?" Victor shouted out again to the assorted goons that stood around waiting for Oswald to make his morning appearance; but unlike Victor they all knew that their boss wouldn't be dragging himself out of bed anytime soon.

One of the goons finally plucked up the courage to speak to the deadly assassin.

"I'm sorry sir, no one has seen Ms. (y/n) this morning yet."

Victor sighed and sat on one of the large sofas that were placed around the main living area of Penguins mansion. It had been the same now for the past two months; before that (y/n) had always been one of the first here waiting patiently for the rest to arrive; but now she was always late, arriving shortly after Oswald made his appearance.

Victor had also seen a change in his boss, in that every morning he would appear with a huge satisfied smirk on his face and an increased air of confidence in his step. Strangely as well he never seemed to chastise (y/n) for her lateness, whereas everyone else would receive the cold lash of his tongue even if they were a minute late.

Victor sat there mussing over the best way to ask her out. Should he just come out and ask? Should he be more subtle and try to romance her? 

"Oh shit!" He mumbled to himself, maybe he should have bought her flowers or something, try and make the whole romantic gesture, try and sweep her off her feet.

The striking of the grandfather clock shook him from his thoughts; '10 o'clock?' He thought to himself, he checked his watch just to make sure that the time was correct. He knew that the club would have been busy last night and that (y/n) had been there to watch over the boss, but the fact that she still wasn't there was starting to worry him.

Victor heard the commotion as Butch made his way into the room; he looked around and chuckled. "I see the lovebirds aren't up yet?" He said, his eyes falling on Victor. The rest of the goons looked around uncomfortably, not wanting to look at either man.

Victor glared at Butch. "What are you talking about now? What lovebirds?" He asked, irritated beyond belief by the large man.

Butch laughed. "You're telling me you don't know? Jesus! You must be the only one that doesn't. Haven't you wondered why (y/n) and the boss have been different for the last couple of months?"

Butch laughed louder at the confused look on Victor's face.

"You ain't gonna like it Victor, but I suppose you snooze you lose. If you'd had more balls and asked her out sooner, you wouldn't be in this situation."

Victor jumped up from the sofa and stomped over to Butch.

"Look you fat fuck, what are you talking about?" He growled.

Butch grabbed hold of Victor pulling him upstairs towards Oswald's bedroom.

"Oh Victor, you have to see it to believe it." Butch joked as he knocked on their boss's door.

Both men heard a soft but obviously irritated "Come in", from behind the door. Butch opened the door and slowly pushed his way into the room.

"Sorry boss, just wanted to make sure ev........."

Butch didn't get a chance to finish before he was shushed by Oswald.

"Will you please be quiet! My dove is still sleeping, and I do not wish her to be disturbed." Oswald hissed.

Victor peaked his head around the door finding his boss still in bed with the naked arms and legs of a woman wrapped around him.

'Well', Victor thought to himself, that would certainly explain Oswald's improved demeanour recently; Victor chuckled quietly to himself.

His smile faded though when he saw the evil glint in Butch's eye.

"Boss, will you and (y/n) be joining us today, or should I just tell the boys to go about their normal duties?"

Victor's eyes grew wide. What did Butch mean when he asked if (y/n) would be joining them, Victor thought.

"No Butch, (y/n) and I have decided that we will spend the day in bed; we haven't had the chance to spend real quality time together yet, so today we are to be left alone. Do you understand?"

Butch nodded his head. "Sure thing boss, don't worry, no one will disturb you."

"Ossie?" Victor started to shake, he knew that voice, it was (y/n).

"Ossie darling, is everything alright?" Her sleepy voice drifted through the large room.

"Yes (y/n) my love, everything is fine." Victor watched as Oswald gently kissed the lips of the now obvious (y/n). Her limbs wrapping tighter around the body of Oswald.

"Ossie, you promised you'd stay in bed with me today; no work, you promised."

Oswald chuckled. "And I meant it my dove." He leaned down and pressed a small kiss on her forehead causing her to giggle.

"Tell everyone to go about their normal duties, I have more important things to do." Oswald said with a chuckle before dismissing the two men.

Butch closed the doors and looked at Victor while placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You snooze, you lose pal." Butch said as he left Victor outside the door.

Victor's eyes fell to the floor as soft moans began to emanate from the room. A single tear fell silently down Victor's cheek, a sign of weakness that he quickly wiped away. His usual stoic expression returned as he headed back down the stairs knowing that the woman he loved, his partner in crime, had now taken her place as the Queen of Gotham.

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