Sword of the skull - Part 2 - Charles Xavier x Reader

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This part is more Charles Xavier based (I love Patrick Stewart👨🏻‍🦲) . But don't worry, I will be back to dear old Bucky in the next part. I hope you enjoy.

She woke to find herself alone in a dark empty room. A room that seemed to stretch on into the distance. She had no idea where she was. The last thing that she could remember was being strapped to yet another gurney, as a crowd of mask covered faces leaned over her. Their tools of torture gripped in their hands.

"Hello!" She called out. Half of her hoping that someone would answer, the other half fearing it.

"Is anyone there?" She called out again, as a sudden sound alerted her to a possible presence.

"Hello." A pleasant, calm voice replied. The sudden response making her spin around to find an older, kind looking man in a wheelchair slowly moving towards her.

"H.....hello. Who are you? Can you tell me where I am?" She asked as the man stopped before her, a reassuring smile gently pulling at the corners of his lips.

"My name is Charles Xavier. And like you I am a mutant. And this, well this is your mind." Charles explained, as the woman sat on the floor in front of him.

"Not a lot in here is there? Though I suppose that if it's my mind, I shouldn't expect much else." The woman chuckled, as she pulled her knees tightly up to her chest. Charles finding that all he could do was join in with her laughter.

"How.......how are you here? In my mind I mean?" She continued, as she looked up at Charles. Confusion obvious in her gaze.

"It is my power. I use it to help people. I can use it to help you if you would like." Charles offered, as he held out his hand. Furrowing his brows as she shied away.

"Are you with them? Is this their new way of trying to control me? Because if it is, I will tell you what I tell them. They will never control me. It doesn't matter how much of my humanity they try to remove; I will never be their weapon." She hissed as she jumped to her feet. Charles holding up his hands in an attempt to reassure the woman that he was no threat.

"Please believe me when I say that I am not part of Hydra. Some friends and I make up a group known as the X-Men. Like you we are all mutants, we fight all those that would harm mutants and humans alike. A team of other special people, called the Avengers, found you in a Hydra lab, and have brought you back to their base to try and help. We want nothing more than to protect you." Charles informed her, as the woman turned her gaze to the ground. A thousand memories, snippets of whispered conversations and torture sessions filling her mind.

"I remember hearing those names. I remember them talking about the X-Men, about the Avengers. They thought that if they could finally find a way to control me, then neither group would be able to stop them." She explained to Charles, as the professor slowly moved a little further forward. Trying his best not to scare the obviously confused woman.

"I'm scared. I don't want to go back there. I don't want to go back to them. All I've known is pain. I don't think I can remember anything before they took me." She continued, as Charles cautiously reached out his hand to take hers.

"I promise that we will never allow you to go back there. You are safe now. Hydra cannot harm you anymore. All you have to do is let us help. And you could also tell me your name." Charles replied, as the younger woman looked off into the gloom of the room.

"Experiment 472. Sword of the skull." She began, as if on autopilot.

"Sorry, I...........I mean......my real name is, er.......I think, I think it was (Y/n). But I can't really remember. It's been so long since anyone ever called me anything but 472 or the sword." She explained, as Charles gave her a soft smile.

"Well (Y/n). It's a pleasure to meet you. Now why don't you tell me everything that you can remember?" Charles asked, as (Y/n) slowly sat back on the floor and told him everything she knew.


"Well? What do you think?" Fury asked Logan, as the mutant and the Avengers watched Charles sit quietly next to the mysterious unconscious woman.

"I think that if Stryker had managed to get his hands on her, then the Weapon X program would have been very different." Logan growled, as he thought back to the indescribable pain that he had felt as his bones were coated in Adamantium.

"I'm not like tha kid. Adamantium doesn't flow through my veins. Even Colossus can change between his metal and human forms. I ain't seen anything like this before. And I ain't no expert on dargonite, but I bet that there would be a lot of people out there that would give anything for a mutant that could not only destroy anything made of adamantium, but also vibranium." Logan continued as he pulled a cigar from his pocket. Chewing on the end of it as he and the others continued to watch the silent scene.

"Do you think he can get through to her?" A voice asked from the darkness. The team turning to see only the glint of a metal arm.

Bucky had had to reluctantly move from the room when Charles and Logan had arrived. The mutant professor assuring the super soldier that it would be better if it was just the young woman and himself in the room as he tried to get through to her. He hadn't liked it. Despite the fact that Bucky knew that the wheelchair bound man would not do the unconscious woman any harm, he had felt a deep connection with female since the moment he had laid eyes on her, in spite of that he knew nothing about her other than her experiment number and codename. He didn't know whether it was because she had been tortured by Hydra too. Because her life had been destroyed just like his, or because she had obviously suffered even more than he had. But whatever it was, he didn't like the idea of anyone else being around her if he wasn't there to protect her.

"If anyone can help, it's the professor. She's in the best hands." Logan replied, as the once most feared Hydra assassin emerged from the gloom of the back of the room to join the others.


"So, what now?" (Y/n) asked, as she looked up at Charles. The professor mulling over what she had told him.

She in truth hadn't been able to tell him all that much. Her mind had been wiped of its memories so many times, that he knew that it was going to take some time for him to help her regain any of her past. But she had been able to recall some Hydra bases, some agents and laboratories that she had had gone through in her time as their prisoner. She had been able to recall mutants that had been involved in the subversive organisation. And she had also able to recall the horror that she had been through. The images of her torture even shocking Charles.

"Well, I think that you seem to have rested long enough. And what you do remember will, I am sure prove of assistance not only to us, but also the Avengers. So, why don't you come back with me, and I will introduce you to everyone. They are all quite anxious to meet you." Charles told her, as he reached out his hand and took (Y/n)'s. Helping her from the floor, and out of the dark, lonely room.    

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