The spirit of the woods - Part 3 - Peter Quill x Reader

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"So very handsome." The celestial cooed, as she raised her hand and brushed it delicately over Peter's slightly stubbly cheek. Peter swallowing heavily as a large lump formed in his throat. The naked creature now standing right in front of him.

"You are definitely Ego's child. He was quite beautiful when I knew him. I am not surprised that he was able to spread his seed so far throughout the galaxy. Your mother must have been quite special. You are a Terran, are you not?" (Y/n) asked. Peter finding, he could do nothing more than nod in reply.

"I love your planet. It is a wonderous creation. I spent many moons there when I was young. Your people used to call me the mother of the earth. The green lady. Sheela-na-gig. They would plant great groves of trees so that I would visit and bless them. Make offerings to the ancient oaks in my name. I remember the mountains, the forests. The rivers and streams. You are quite fortunate to call it your home. Though according to the little one, it has been quite some time since you did so." (Y/n) continued, smiling as little Groot clambered up the chair. Climbed up Peter's shirt, jumped from the Terran's shoulder and onto the celestial's shoulder, before snuggling under her hair.

Peter wasn't sure what to say in reply. All he could think of was the exquisite creature in front of him. Her breathtakingly beautiful eyes. Her long brown hair that fell in waves over her shoulders. And her, well her naked body.

As a celestial that had known his father, Peter would have expected her to have appeared a similar age as Ego. Yet this (Y/n) looked no older than he did. Her skin flawless and smooth, and her form like none he had seen before.

"He........he likes you." Peter finally managed to say, as he watched Groot coo happily as he nuzzled into the celestial's cheek.

"Of course. I am his mother. He is my child, as is all nature. As are all worlds including yours. That is why I allowed myself to wither and die when your father told me of his plans. Ego wanted me to join him in his expansion. Tried to tell me that we would find meaning in our lives if we destroyed the universe and created it just for ourselves. But he failed to realise that I already knew the meaning of my life. Already knew that despite the differences between worlds and their peoples, I could not allow him to eradicate what I had created at the beginning of time. I could not let him wipe out what I loved. I knew that he needed another celestial to aid him in his plans. So, to ensure that he could not succeed in his lunacy, I held my lifeforce in the seed that my little one found. Hoping that when I was reborn, Ego would have changed his mind. But Groot tells me that that was not the case. And that he was finally able to sire another celestial in you. All I can say is that I am so sorry that you and your mother had to suffer. That she had to die, and you separated from her. But now that I am back, I hope that you will allow me to make things up to you. To help you in your endeavours." (Y/n) explained, as she continued to look up at Peter.

" want to make it up to me.......I mean help us?" Peter asked. Finding that for the first time in his life, he was really struggling for things to say to a beautiful woman. But there again he knew that (Y/n) was not just another woman. She was a celestial. A living planet in a humanoid form. An immortal. An omnipotent being. And in a way, the only other thing that was like him.

"Oh course. If I had tried to find another way of dealing with Ego. If I had done more to try and talk him out of his madness. Maybe things would have been different. I know that if I still been with him, he would not have needed to go to Terra and meet your mother. And that you would never have been born. But I feel in a way, that I am to blame for your mother's demise. That she died because of Ego's desire for his expansion. And if I had done something more. Not allowed myself to sleep. Then she might still be with you. That, and as you are the child of a celestial, it is only right that we get to know one another better. For in another universe, you could have been my child. After all, I was your father's lover for many millennia." (Y/n) explained. Saying the last part in the most matter of fact way possible. Peter staring at her in disbelief.

" were? I were Ego's......?" Peter spluttered. Not knowing whether he liked the idea that he was thinking about doing things to the exquisite celestial, that Ego had probably already done.

"Of course. How do you think I know so much about your father? Why do you think that it was me that he wanted to help him?" (Y/n) chuckled. Again, making it sound like it was the most obvious and unimportant thing.

"Your father was quite a lover. Which makes me wonder, what you would be like. I have after all, always found the Terran male form quite pleasing. And as part celestial, you are actually more appealing than most." (Y/n) continued, as she pushed her body up against Peter's, and brought his head down so that she could whisper in his ear.

"Maybe one day we will find out. Peter." (Y/n) cooed. Peter trying to fight to urge to find out there and then.

"I am Groot." Groot suddenly said. The celestial giggling at the tiny colossus flora's comment.

"You are quite right. I should not tease." (Y/n) told Groot, as she settled back on to the floor. Resting Groot down onto the mass of flowers that suddenly sprang up from nowhere.

"You will have to forgive me. I was born this way, you see. To create and care. To love and be loved. It is my natural instinct to seek out the best specimens. To take those specimens and give them all that their heart desires. To give them love like nothing before. And you, Peter Quill, are one of the finest specimens I have seen in a very long time." (Y/n) apologised. Peter at that moment hating Groot for interrupting. Hoping that he would get another chance to find out what it was to be love by her.

"I am Groot!" Groot exclaimed. As he jumped to his feet and took hold of (Y/n)'s finger. Trying to pull her to the door.

"Ah, yes. The halfworlder. How could I forget. I would love to meet your friend, Rocket. I am quite intrigued by him." (Y/n) replied, as she rose to her feet, and made her way to the door of the room.

"Er........(Y/n)." Peter called out, stopping the celestial before she could leave the room.

"I think...... I think that you might. Well, that we might need to get you some clothes. You don't want to walk around naked." Peter told her. (Y/n) looking down at herself for the first time.

"Oh, yes. Of course. Clothes. My apologies. I have been asleep for quite some time. I had forgotten that I was naked. But I am afraid that I don't have any clothes. Perhaps you have something I could use?" (Y/n) asked. The celestial smiling as Peter quickly pulled his T-shirt off over his head and handed it too her.

"My, my, my. Ego did do well when he created you. Didn't he?" (Y/n) chuckled, as she placed her hand on Peter's chest. Peter sure that at any moment his heart would burst out of his body. Even more so when the celestial winked suggestively at him.

"I am Groot." Groot complained. (Y/n) hurriedly placing the shirt over her body.

"Yes, little one. I am coming." (Y/n) replied, as she followed behind an excited Groot. Peter following behind her like a besotted puppy. 

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